Grrr,Why,Aren,amp,#39,Making,S business, insurance Grrr! Why Aren't I Making SALES?!

Small offices have unique needs, and thatincludes document shredding. Designed with the smaller business inmind, the Dahle 20314 is a cross-cut shredder that offers Level 3security and brings you into compliance with federal regulations. The As we all know to live in this world we have to perform some activity by which we can earn money. There are many activities by which we can earn money and meet the standards to live in this society. And from one of them is franchise.  Franc

Grrr! Why Aren't I Making SALES?! by Cathy Wagner Selling online can be very difficult, more difficultthan in the 3D world because you do not get anypersonal contact with your customer. People cannotjust browse like they do in a store, they cannot offerfeedback, and it is hard to build and maintain trustthroughout the entire online sales process. Whatcompounds this difficulty is the fact that most onlinemarketers have absolutely no experience in the fieldof advertising and sales. EVALUATE YOUR SALES PROCESS There are many aspects that effect your sales processonline and it is possible to track the effectivenessat each stage: PHASE 1 is your advertising. The first step is just toget people to your site. To measure your traffic you must have some kind ofstatistics for either your web site or integrated withthe ads you place, such as ad tracker URL's. If you can't get people to your site, you must alteryour advertising methods or, more likley, your adcopy, there is no way around it. Whether you are usingfree or paid advertising, a good ad will get clicks(at least some). Remember that no matter how good anad looks to you, if it doesn't do it's job, it isuseless. Keep a log of the ads you place along withwhere and when; don't use ads that do not produceresults once they have been given a fair chance. If your ads never seem to draw visitors, makeimproving your ad writing skills a priority rightaway. Today there are many resources available to helpyou learn to write a better ad, including livepersonal ad writing workshops and free ad writingseminars. To be sure that WHERE you are advertising is not theproblem, it is best to get recommendations from otheronline marketers for advertising sites and tools thatproduce results. This will save you the time andfrustration of trying them all out for yourself. Itwill also allow you to stay focused on your offerrather than spending your time searching for ways topromote it. Look for recommendations in marketing chat roomsand ask for their results or find a reputable marketinginformation site like ONE STOP Internet BusinessServices (at )that will give you plenty of free information along withtheir proven recommendations. AFFILIATES without control over their web site need topay special attention to getting traffic. Presumablythe offer you are selling includes a web page thatsells, after all it sold you. If you find that you are driving targeted traffic (notjust click exchange hits) to your affiliate site, butnot making any sales, you need to reconsider youroffer: does it really have such a wide public appeal?Maybe new competition has arisen that has made youroffer less of a value? Have you given people enoughtime to consider your offer and have you followed up?Be objective. PHASE 2 is your web site copy and navigation. Arepeople coming to your site and looking around, or dothey click away immediately? To find out, it is best to have web sites statisticsthat include the path visitors take once they get toyour site, but you can get an idea about this bystudying your web site statistics even if they do notprovide this type of information. You know whichpage(s) you are promoting, are people looking at otherpages as well? If not, you must alter your web site copy, design ornavigation. There are several places now where you canhave your web site reviewed for free by other internetmarketers. This can be very valuable information;learn from it to build a site that makes visitors feelconfident enough to buy from you. Also, be sure to send prospects directly to the pagethat contains the information you promise in your ad,it will make their visit quick, effective, andmemorable. If you advertise a particluar product, sendthem to that page directly, rather than landing themon your home page and trusting that they will navigateto where you want them to be. AFFILIATES can experiment with sending prospects topages other than the main page (if provided) to see ifthat makes any difference in their sales ratio. PHASE 3 would be your order process. Are peoplelooking around, going to the order page and thenleaving? Here again, you need comprehensive web sitestatistics. If you do not have site paths statistics,pay close attention to the number of hits each of yourpages receive. If you see that many people go to theorder page, but do not buy, you will have to eitherrewrite your text to clear up misunderstanding, loweryour price, display payment options more clearly, orimplement some other change that makes the orderingprocess quicker and easier. Try to capture email addresses with a contest, freeproduct, report or newsletter so that you can followup with potential customers. Of course, AFFILIATES would have no control over theordering process with a replicated site. I think thisis important, so I will say it again: If you find thatyou are driving targeted traffic (not just clickexchange hits) to your affiliate site, but not makingany sales, you need to reconsider your offer: does itreally have such a wide public appeal? Maybe newcompetition has arisen that has made your product lessof a value? Have you given people enough time toconsider your offer and have you followed up? Beobjective! DON'T GUESS! When you are having trouble generating sales, youneed to track all of your activity (and the activities ofyour visitors) to pinpoint where the trouble lies.Only then will you know where you need to makechanges. Without this kind of information, you arejust guessing and that could be worse than leaving italone.



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