Dos,and,Don,Effective,Presenta business, insurance Dos and Don'ts of Effective Presentations

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Effective communication begins with aneffective presentation. From the words, to the graphics, to thematerials that you use for the presentation - it all works together tocreate the most effective communication vehicle possible. Be it theoverall finishing, such as the binding, folding or lamination youselect, or the content contained inside, everything communicates andyou should use all of the tools in your arsenal to communicateeffectively. To that end, the following are some Dos and Don'ts to keepin mind in the effective creation of a presentation. The Do's: 1)Know Your Stuff: This may seem quite obvious, but researching and developing a completeunderstanding of the presentation subject is the foundation for anyeffective presentation. Do your homework and it will pay off in the end2)Stick To Your Story: Your presentation should have one purpose in mind and stick to thatpurpose from beginning to end. Ask yourself these questions at thebeginning of any presentation development process; Am I sellingsomething? Am I persuading someone? Am I educating someone? Or simplyentertaining my audience? Create your story and don't get off track. 3)"Remember that "Books" are Judged By Their Covers: You may have been admonished to "Never judge a book by its cover," butwhen creating an effective presentation, you should adhere to adifferent adage: "Don't leave anything to chance." Aprofessional-looking presentation can push your audience toward apositive decision the moment they see it. Laminated covers andwell-bound presentations are the best way to ensure your audience willbe excited to open up and see what's next! 4)Have a Beginning, Middle, (Summary) and End: It may seem like Theme-Paper Writing 101, but "the basics" are "thebasics" for a reason - they work! People think, and perceiveinformation in a similar way. It is natural for them to follow thiswell-known pattern, starting with an Opening that sets the stage forthe rest of the presentation, a Body in which the overall subject ispresented, a Summary to touch on major points, and a Closing, usuallywith some "call to action" for your audience. 5)Put it in a Picture: Studies have shown that people learn more quickly and retaininformation better when the subject is reinforced with visuals. Youraudience will get your point immediately with the use of the rightvisual, making it literally "worth a thousand words." Clear and simplegraphics or pictures used for full-effect are the best way to connectwith your audience. The way these pictures are presented is equally asimportant as the picture itself. Consider lamination to properlypreserve and highlight this important aspect of your presentation. The Don'ts: 1)Avoid Saying Too Much: While you may be wildly excited about your subject, don't assume youraudience has hours of time to devote to reading and absorbing theinformation. Make your points clearly and concisely and move on. Thereis no reason to use 5 words when one or two are just as effective inhelping you tell your story. 2)Don't Forget the Devil in The Details: From the presentation cover, to it's binding to the first and lastsentences, details count. A professional overall appearance draws yourreaders in to the presentation in a way that little else can. Afterthis initial response, however, everything else in the presentationmust deliver on this promise of quality. Check your spelling, grammarand sentence structure over and over again, and not just by using yourcomputer's spell-check or grammar-check program. Read the presentationout loud to make sure you are saying exactly what you want to say -from beginning to end. 3)Stop Using The Wrong Images: There are many correct ways to use a visual in a presentation, and justas many incorrect ones. Too small, too blurry, overly-complicated, orjust plain distracting images will have the opposite effect on youraudience than you wish to create. Good, clear and effective visuals arethe best way to go - and highlighting them with the proper framing,laminating or other enhancement only serves to make your presentationstronger. 4)Avoid Getting it done on the "Cheap:" Saving on overhead when preparing your presentation may seem like agood idea, but think again! Cutting corners by not creating aprofessional-looking presentation, including everything from thecutting, folding, binding and cover creation, can cause you to lose bigin the long run. If you cut corners on your presentation or proposal,you may cut corners on the project or product you are proposing. Do itright the first time and get the chance to do it again - and again! 5)Don't Forget the Call to Action! Telling the story about your product or service is great - butforgetting to tell the audience what you would like them to do withthis information is a big mistake! Don't miss the opportunity to endyour presentation with a simple, specific call to action, usually tiedto a deadline for feedback of some kind. This will give your "story"the happy ending you are looking for! Article Tags: Effective Presentation



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