英国华人论坛 英国相关学术术语解释(1)


Recognition or approval of an educational institution by an official agency, association, or ministry
of education as maintaining satisfactory standards. Accreditation affects the transferability of the
institutions qualifications into further study or employment.

Academic year:
The period of learning either theoretical through formal instruction or specialised training. The
Academic year in the UK usually extends from June to April. It may be divided into semesters
(higher education courses), tri semesters (specialised courses such as MBA), or quarters

Admitted student:
A student who has joined the institution after being offered a place by the institution after a
valuation of his/her completed qualifications as set for a specific course by the institution.

A qualification given as the student has successfully completed his/her modules
(e.g.. B.Eng., B.Sc., M.A., M.Sc)

Case study:
Following of a real life example from beginning to end

Combined studies:
Blending of subjects not available within a single course

The grounds on which the buildings of the institution are located

A title or rank conferred by the institution upon successful completion of the prescribed program
of study

A branch of administration of a college/university usually divided by subject (e.g. Mathematics
department) through which instruction in the field is given

Distance learning:
A way of following a study package at desired time, place, and pace. Students need to submit
course based works such as essay, case study, report etc. Short intensive training classes are
usually conducted at fixed intervals where tutors and students can meet in a same place and

Dissertation writing:
Lengthy treatment of a subject submitted towards an academic degree

Educational adviser:
Member of a faculty or an independent person hired by the institution who helps and advices the
students on academic matters

Subjects chosen freely to take credits towards their intended degree

Mean to test the candidates supremacy over a specific subject. 

Field work:
Doing real life problems with an intention to achieve professional skills on a subject

Financial Aid:
All types of money offered to a student as an aid to complete his/her studies

Full time student:
A student who is enrolled in an institution and taking full load of courses

Graduate Management admission test (GMAT):
An examination used by the institutions to assist in determining the eligibility of a student for
admission to graduate business programs.

Graduate study:
The educational sequence following the completion of a Bachelors degree and leading to a
Masters degree.

Higher education:
Post-16 or post-secondary education

International student:
Any registered student in an institution in the UK who is not a permanent resident of United

Lectures are intensive sessions in which Lecturer will typically take you through a lot of material.
you are expected to take notes - which will help you understand the contents of material as well
as for future and further revision.

Oral presentations:
A technique to improve the verbal skills of the candidate. Usually this is expression of a persons
opinion on a topic

Open days:
Specific days during the academic year which offer an opportunity to have a chat with staffs and
students, explore the facilities available in the institution through guided campus and
accommodation tours. Anyone can attend an institutions open days irrespective of whether you
have applied or holding an offer or not.

Practical work:
A technique used to update professional skills of a candidate on a selected topic. It may take
different form from conducting a small experiment in physics laboratory to executing a very large
program running into number of pages in computer laboratory.

Project work:
A piece of work where a candidate alone or in a group prepare a report based on analysis of the
topic assigned or chosen

Required as a precondition prior to taking a course in an institution. Its a way of ensuring the
student possess suitable grounding on the subject s/he wish to undertake.

A letter apprising an applicants qualifications, written by a professor or employer who knows the
applicants character and work.

Report writing:
A way of presenting information after evaluating a topic or subject and drawing ones own

A form of accessing and discussing a specific topic using variety of communication means
such as projectors, black boards, charts, speech

Secondary school:
Generally refers to the years of formal education preceding to the entry into a college or

Collection of modules

An outline of the topics in an academic course

A  way of discussing an already prepared topic on a small group

Undergraduate study:
The educational sequence following the completion of the secondary school and  leading to a
Bachelor degree

An institution of advanced learning that offers various taught and research programmes


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