英国华人论坛 My trading experience


Hi there,

Have you ever trading before? If yes, fantastic there is huge chance to make your best trader record ever through our innovated trading methods. If no, don’t worries, we have a free seminar to attend in central london office near Tower Bridge E1W. Our company are launching new office in Australia recently. We are the one of the most fast growing binary trading company in London.

Let me take this great opportunity to invite you to start your trading career with us.

Our product basically is on executions of smart options which is a very simple way to trade the market, by correctly predicting whether the price if an asset will rise of fall within a chosen period of time. Unlike other financial trading instruments such as CFDs, Spread betting, the beauty of binary trading is that it only involve your prediction of direction over financial assets’ data within a chosen time. It not involve the quantity of change in basic points. In other word, you can still make huge positive return if your options regarded asset type has rise or fall slightly. And our company will not charge any spread at the strike price. Therefore, there is great chance for our clients to have great opportnity to make huge wealth in short period of time.

So, let me introduce your our platform - One Two Trade.

A typically trading process is designed to be easy-to-use and friendly.

Firstly, sign in the account with the links below. open and make first deposit.

Secondly, choose an asset type ( ForEx pairs, Commodities, Equities, Indices )

Thirdly, choose option expiry date (short term:60,90,120S middle term 3hours long term one week, ten days, two months and more )

Finally, choose the direction which you predict the assets will follow.

We are the most fast growing trading platform in London. And the largest vendor of smart options in the world. Check this unique link which directly linked to my manager.

Once registered, then you just need give me a notice. Hence, you name will appear on my client list.

The company provide fantastic services to individual trader.

There is some example of our services.

free trading seminar and company open door policyyou can choose a bonus account which company will add the exactly amount which your deposites.Or, there is 110% refund policy apply for those who make loss over the first 10 trades.

Let’s doing business together in future.

Reminder: please ensure use our unique url to register as an new client. The unique link only available from confirm email or record phone to the company.

NB: Don’t hesitate to send me an email if you really want to open an account with us, and learn how trader like pros.

my email is: [email protected]

By the way , there is position for these successful trader to get hired from major hedge fund and make a dozen of millionaire through trading.


The direct landline is 02036759000 then swich to 249 CRM Ares

补充内容 (2014-6-24 23:33):
From 10:00 to 18:00 GMT +1:00 Monday - Friday


注册地址:www点onetwotrade点com/go?aid=90001&cid=006&eid=241 去除连接中文,注册好请阁下通知我,为了我们能更好的帮助您在这行业获取巨大成功。
注册流程并不复杂,相当于平时注册论坛差不多流程。 最重要的就是冲钱到账户,进行真实的期权交易。 200 最低准备金。这一步可能会遇到信用问题,不过一般打个电话给银行,去确认转账或者通知我们也可以。
公司承诺所有交易的风险都是每一笔交易本身面值而已。 也就是投资50 也就冒着50的风险。 公司为了鼓励新客户,还有一系列举措来保护客户资金安全。 所以我希望你能先注册好。然后浏览下怎么操作。 套利的是一门学问,可能完全掌握要花不少时间。 以下是我之前发给客户的资料。 我们也有中文网站, 你看看。 教会你具体交易应该很很快。


為什麼選擇我們? 我們的用戶已經投票推選OneTwoTrade作為客戶滿意度最高的交易平臺。我們將資訊直接發到用戶的電子郵箱。目前,還沒有其它交易平臺能夠像我們一樣為客戶提供如此周到的專業服務。獲得全面授權,全方位監管 可切換至中文交易介面專屬經理免費研討會 每日市场,我們位於倫敦城中心。 投资者 如果有需要,可以来我们公司做交易,如果他们需要的话。





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