标签:Dealer - 英国华人论坛


二手车还没提车,dealer说 thermostat坏了,

由于试车的时分没有暖风,所以让dealer在反省一下。后果收到dealer的邮件,说需求改换这个部件。。曾经订了这个部件,修睦会给我提车。。 我看过MOT advisory 没有任何记载,我质问M...英国华人论坛



曾经接到信良久了,当初给我打电话问我想何时去培修。 我懒的理他,说没空,不知道大家曾经去了吗? 回帖 I did, the service is free. they checked, updated something, everything about the car is fine…...英国华人论坛



小男子这周二刚买的一辆二手马自达6,20十二年的,开回家的时分感觉标的目的盘有些沉,不太对劲,明天早下来的专营店反省,白色表明的high risk,说是steering rack有问题,倡议培修,...英国华人论坛


dealer 的车 是否都会多一个车主数?

lz 原本想从dealer 买台 pre-register 或者 nearly new 的车,留意到 dealer 也把本人加进 v5c 了。 好比,看中的一台很新的车,(假如买下的活)我间接就是第三任车主。(第一车主是最先买新...英国华人论坛



去dealer那边买二手车,16年的,能砍价吗? 回帖 能够往死里砍 回帖 太能够了 回帖 我看上一辆大约4万的车, 能砍1,2千镑仍是3,5千镑 回帖 3-5k 回帖 我感觉至多能砍下2K, 而后买de...英国华人论坛


差一点点没占到MB的main dealer一个廉价

昨天在MB的Approved Used Car上逛。发现了一个13年5万迈的ML250,价钱18000. 价格在同类车外面属于白菜价中的白菜价, 过后手贱还截了个图 十一38573167.jpg800×476 33.4 KB 回帖 销售的话,一个字...英国华人论坛



问一下大家在这边dealer做颐养,会在dealer那里等着么?仍是放下车就走,商定时间再取车? 以前有过一次培修空调的教训,由于在保修内,dealer来人取车修睦后又开回来了。当初做颐养...英国华人论坛



下周一去dealer那里提车,价格尚无彻底说定。车是lexus,二手的,两年多一点,mileage也很低,试开觉得还不错,集体很喜爱。不知道手续方面有无甚么特别需求留意之处? dealer给的fi...英国华人论坛



最想汽车需求颐养了,dealer给出3年颐养一共900pounds(两小一大颐养,汽车当初快3年了),local garage只需求大略500-600pounds。 请问dealer的颐养贵这么多,最初卖车的时分,会由于是deale...英国华人论坛



在某dealer网站上看中一辆车,原告知前一个owner由于是private车牌,而后把logbook丢了,所以让我等他们拿到新的logbook. 不太懂,那他们这辆车的车牌号怎么来呢? 打电话问了宝马的VIN说...英国华人论坛


Service 是去BMW dealer 仍是普通garage (Kwiwfi

如题,请问BMW2系 (已用4年)需求去dealer仍是kwikfit 就能了呢? 有甚么需求斟酌的呢? 谢谢 回帖 找个口碑好的local garage,别去kwikfit,这家常常特别蹩脚 回帖 谢谢,请问怎么样才能够查...英国华人论坛


高手请指导!Dealer 把 Logbook地址写错了,

卖2手车的dealer把Logbook的地址写错了。 DVLA回我换地址需求3个前提: Vin Number(这个我知道) 2.The Surname (是我的名字,我也知道) 3.postcode( Dealer当初也不知道些的甚么,我就更不知道了,...英国华人论坛



我想买一辆ford的nearly new car 然而 ford dealer 那里没有现车 他们要从 ford direct 上定 要求在看不到车的状况下付定金 车是对比新的十二年的,千米数也就6千摆布 请问大家 假如我在没看到...英国华人论坛



请问大家怎么样跟dealer砍价?应该基于哪里的估价呢?(我试了www.cap.co.uk下面的价钱跟dealer的标价差未几) 好比说一辆63的ford grand cmax, 6000miles,dealer叫18500,我能够砍多少呢?(对我来...英国华人论坛


二手BMW X5 是宝马专营店买好仍是到deale

我感觉专营店的办事很好,然而买车是否要到dealer买更划算一些呢。 回帖 想买廉价的还得找集体卖家。 回帖 回帖 集体教训,宝马奔跑之类的仍是去dealer买approved used对比安心。怎么说...英国华人论坛


main dealer(4S店)能够不经你赞成换货色吗

之前开的都是2000-3000镑的二手车,所以做service、mot都是去local garage,比来买了一辆1年新的车,本打算在main dealer那买个fixed price service plan,想着头5年都在main dealer那做,也为了要stamp,这样...英国华人论坛


在2手dealer 看中这款ford fiesta 1.6柴油车,

比来打算动手一辆二手,估算在7,8K 摆布, 看中了这款福特 fiesta 1.6 titanium TDCi disel的手动车 ,2010年的,50000mile, 两任车主,4次service history,颐养不错,MOT 记载都在,查过history,记...英国华人论坛


Astra 仍是 Laguna?

在dealer看到两辆差未几的,都是4K摆布的,都是手动的。觉得Astra更为古代一点,里程数4W。Laguna开了快6W了,此外就是看下来有点太正式了,不外空间仍是挺大的。 有无开过的能给点倡...英国华人论坛


老手买车 求指教

上次问了大家 dealer的益处,挺多人回复的。 谢谢。。 这次问问大家, 奥迪A1 和 BMW 1系 都是1.6的 买哪一个? 比拟下 A1 新得多, A1 保险 3500, 1系保险4000多。 春秋问题的 我quote最高价...英国华人论坛


求助大家 买车从Dealer 那里买的益处

看到Autotrader下面的 dealer的广告,然而车没有写 full service history 是由于是dealer 所以确定有 仍是?? 假如从dealer那里买 有甚么保障吗? 比个别车场好到哪里呢? 假如dealer那里买 能够讲...英国华人论坛


Audi dealer 牛哄哄啊, 真的不克不及讲价?



请问这个dealer Evans Halshaw 怎样?

这个dealer Evans Halshaw能砍价吗? 去看了一辆二手车,不讲价,其余也 没任何探讨之处,觉得十分牛,爱买不买,有敌人从他那里买过车吗?谢谢 回帖 挺大的车房,我的车就是那里买的...英国华人论坛


急急急 和dealer定的车 不想要了 定金能够

去看车的时分 dealer的 sa说 他们有一个车 下周密车场 给我看了材料6000mile的一年新车 感觉还行 付了500定金 不是为我专门order的车子 明天此外一个dealer给我打电话 他们来了一款车 只跑...英国华人论坛



dealer曾经把log book(v5c)上的green slip撕上去给我了。我是否甚么都不必做,只有等DVLA把新的log book给我寄过去就行-了? 我能当初就买road tax和insurance,在新的log book寄来以前就上路吗?仍...英国华人论坛


甚么事RAC Warranty?

有的dealer提供RAC Warranty。请问这和普通的warranty有甚么区分?谢谢。 回帖 Road accident cover 回帖 不是楼上说的那种路途营救 实际上是一种rac提供的保修办事,由RAC提供,好比车子发起机...英国华人论坛



请问这边dealer在asking price个别能讨价多少钱? 回帖 我上次买一辆6个月的试价车,头天车子刚刚由于quality vat free scheme被动降了20%,起初再讲价只讲上去2.5% 回帖 假如是bmw Mecerdes Audi这类...英国华人论坛


Buying a tractor from a dealer

Buying a tractor from a major manufacturer has many of the same principles and drawbacks as when buying a new or second-hand car. Dealerships of tractor manufacturers will  normally offer for sale new and used tractors, as well as a wide ra...英国华人论坛


Used Car Dealer Cash Accounting

https://accountingsolutionsltd.com/accounting-articles/used-car-dealer-cash-accounting/Controlling cash in the used auto financing industry Used car dealer cash accounting can be quite a challenge.Because of the cash involved in the Buy Her...英国华人论坛


Gold Dealer - Tips for a Fair Transaction

You can't turn on the television anymore without hearing about at least one company offering to take care of your unwanted jewelry. There are lots of businesses out there that offer to pay top dollar for your precious metals. It's true that...英国华人论坛


Finding A Professional Dealer Of Gold And Jewelry

When times get rough financially, finding a place where you can get cash for gold in Bensenville IL may provide you with a way to pay your bills without getting further in debt. If you have items to sell that are no longer worth storing in t...英国华人论坛


Choosing the Right Coin Dealer

How does a person know which local coin dealer to work with? It is not always easy to find the right person or company to work with, especially if you don't know a lot about the industry or the area. Even a person looking to make his or her...英国华人论坛


Buy or Lease a Ford Car from Dealer

Leasing can be an attractive option, but it is not for everyone. The pros and cons of leasing should be weighed carefully. Car dealers like Ford have both options to buy or lease so make the right choice for you. Here you go again getting re...英国华人论坛


3 Simple Questions to Ask a Dealer While Purchasing

While purchasing a car, its easy to get caught up in various rules and lose track of the important details. There are a hundred million questions that can drive you around and still bring no clarity. The major concern of car buyers relate to...英国华人论坛


Dealer: A Friend indeed when you need Auto Financin

Dealership: A One-Stop Solution for buying CarA dealer is a link between auto manufacturers and car buyers. He obtains franchise from the auto manufacturer and sells new cars and used cars with the help of a sales team. A dealer possesses ad...英国华人论坛


How Can I Get Auto Dealer Software?

It contains several modules together with the database for data storage. Therefore it is fed with all the information concerning the cars and does the management in various ways. Recently, we did not have such kinds of software and so vehicl...英国华人论坛


Where To Find The Best Car Dealership Software

Much as this could reach a wide range of customers within a short time and at a less costly rate, it was not the best way of dealership as it could not offer the rest of the services. Expansion and development of the internet has been consid...英国华人论坛


Why is there a Need for Auto Dealer Software?

Aside from the cars appearance, they need to know other necessary information such as the warranty, statistics, service, and safety issues among others. When they are done doing so, of course they will go to a specific store where they think...英国华人论坛


Choose which Car Dealer Software Would be the Best

Through the use of this software, it will also help them in their marketing campaigns to promote or advertise their products to people. Since there have been lots of car dealer software, you need to get one that will get you to enjoy it to a...英国华人论坛


How Can Auto Dealer Software Help Automotive Busine

There will always be problems that may arise in a business that cannot be solely solved through manpower, as it may not simple resolve the issues needed by the business to make its goal work and make its system as functional as ever before....英国华人论坛


Dodge – How to Work with a Dealer

For those in the market to buy a new or used Dodge, the good news is there are numerous dealers that can help you. The problem is that many people see this as trouble. They may not want to deal with a dealer who may seem pushy or who may ove...英国华人论坛


Choosing the Right Dealer to Purchase Silver Bullio

For the recent few years, precious metals like silver proved to be the best performing assets in the global market. They in fact have yielded a very good profit for the investors as their value has always seen an upward move. Thus, investmen...英国华人论坛


Used Car Dealer Search - How to Find a Good One

Many times, the used car dealer you visit will be trustworthy and honest. If you find anything about the dealership is lacking, it may be a good idea to look for a company you can trust. How do you know, though? Even though you are not payin...英国华人论坛


A Car Dealer Marketing Lesson

A common problem with many coaching websites is that they don't effectively lead your prospect towards becoming your client. Many just function as an "online brochure" in which they do nothing more than list credentials, contact information,...英国华人论坛


Bad Credit Car Dealer Approves Your Loan

In years past automobile shoppers who had bad credit histories and low credit scores did not have a lot of luck in finding an affordable motor vehicle and a reasonable level of financing. This has changed in recent years and today those with...英国华人论坛


Appleton Car Dealer : Experienced in Dealing with P

Car dealer in AppletonCar is one of the most acquired vehicle by people and therefore as per the need people buy these cars as per their wish. To get these cars people can call to the car dealers who provide all the cars as per the requireme...英国华人论坛


Mazda Dealer -- Helping You Find the Right Car for

A Mazda dealer is excellent at helping consumers find the right car for the right price. If you are thinking about buying a new car, truck or van, make an appointment to check out the Mazdas at your local dealership. You won't be disappointe...英国华人论坛


Japanese Used Car Dealer and Exporter

High quality, durability, and quality finish in Japanese cars like Toyota, Misubishi and Nissan make these cars go on and on for years. So, there isn’t any risk in buying these Japanese used cars from dealer and exporter. In fact, thousands...英国华人论坛


Learn About a Tire Dealer in Fargo ND

There is a quite a bit riding on your tires. This is true both literally and figuratively. The tires you choose for your vehicle are one of the most important things you will buy for it. When you choose your next set of tires from a Tire Dea...英国华人论坛


Kansas City Used Car Dealer Offers the Best Deal

If you want to buy or sell a pre- owned automobile, used car dealers in KS will provide you with the best deal. Purchasing used cars are a great way to save money, where you can get good cars at cheaper price. Even if you plan to sell your u...英国华人论坛


Finding Good Used Cars Dealer in Chicago

Owning a car of your dreams is always something that excites everyone and especially if it is your first vehicle than the excitement is even doubled. A lot of people many times buy a used vehicle for many reasons where they can easily afford...英国华人论坛