标签:Seat - 英国华人论坛


SEAT leon怎样,16年的车十二000能够动手吗



求保举能放三个car seat 的5座车

大家好 自己家庭5人,两大三小(分别是1岁多,6岁及9岁),不想买7座车 求保举能放三个car seat 的5座车 谢谢 回帖 答,五座车个别都有5个car seat…不然这产品就涉嫌欺诈了…… 回帖...英国华人论坛



不知道站上有哪位大神有过这辆车子的啊? 沒咋见到大家探讨呢? 这辆车好使吗? 始终不知道是哪里的车? 嘿嘿 回帖 是西班牙的牌子,机能不理解 回帖 西班牙的最大汽车品牌,现属于德...英国华人论坛


小敌人坐taxi不需求car seat。。。。

这次从希斯罗回家,minicab司机说不需求car seat,小敌人十一个月大。起初查了下,真的不需求car seat。。。 原文在此 https://www.gov.uk/child-car-seats-the-rules/when-a-child-can-travel-without-a-car-sea...英国华人论坛


请宝妈们保举一个car seat给10个月的宝宝

宝宝快10个月了,当初用的是maxi cosi的过小了,需求换了 我大略知道有几款,一个是group 1的,另外一个是group 1,2,3的 我集体感觉group 1,2,3对比值吧,能够用到不需求用car seat,价格也是...英国华人论坛


请问car seat的选择

1-大家感觉买car seat是那种carry 的, 0-9month 仍是 2-那种间接0-36month的? 以及 3-有无能够让宝宝躺上去的car seat?斟酌等宝宝1岁之内能够本人开车带去英国际,或者欧洲的长途旅行。。...英国华人论坛


需求降级CAR SEAT的美妈赶快下手10% Halfor

用MAXI-COSI PEBBLE 的美妈们假如要降级到MAXI-COSI PEARL,赶快一同去HALFORDS, 买两个CAR SEAT有10% OFF, 明天两点前又有EXTRA 10% OFF, 还送遮阳贴,两个一同买的话算上去 £十二8 一个,是我目前发现...英国华人论坛


如何带bugaboo bee和car seat 上飞机?多个计

要带3个月的宝宝去游览,还不克不及坐,家里的bugaboo bee还有car seat纠结怎么带上飞机。 有带过的美妈下去分享教训阿 计划1:买阿谁60 镑的transport bag,推到gate后装袋,而后任由机场行...英国华人论坛


有人买britax dualfix car seat么,为何平安带

刚刚买了britax dualfix,平安带上阿谁黑色的垫子似乎是固定上的拉不出来,并且好像挺厚的,所以致使那玩意架在宝宝肩上,不是应该在胸部双侧的么。并且平安带好像挺短的。不外3...英国华人论坛


求保举国际的car seat & high chair品牌

宝宝7个多月打算带她回国2个月,推车打算带回去,所以想在国际买一个car seat 和 high chair。然而对国际的婴儿用品品牌彻底不熟啊!求保举品牌:cn09: 谢谢! 回帖 国际同样能够买的到国...英国华人论坛


【求教】car seat婴儿座椅和床垫还有婴儿

打算要买汽车平安座椅了, 宝妈们是买阿谁能够从出世始终座到18KG的婴儿座椅 ,仍是就是买那种婴儿蓝式的0-13KG婴儿座椅呢。 当初纠结在britax的头号舱和MAXI-COSI 感激分享教训么么哒...英国华人论坛


请教美妈们car seat能带上飞机么,谢谢

我家的推车是把car seat架在推车上的,推车的架子能够带上飞机,就是不知道car seat能不克不及带上飞机。谢谢各位美妈解答。 回帖 不同的航空公司规则纷歧样,要详细征询航空公司吧...英国华人论坛



大家好,我家儿子3岁,正在potty training, 一周多了,大部份状况都能到potty上尿尿,还算顺利。然而有个问题很困扰,也让他很frustrated, 就是常常会尿到里面去,裤子又全湿了。我视察了...英国华人论坛


Car seat 托运的问题

想带几个月大的宝宝回国一段时间, 想问问这里有教训的妈妈们 car seat和car seat base能够托运吗 是收费的嘛? 想坐英航的飞机走 谢谢啦 回帖 刚做英航回来,咱们带的是提篮,收费托运...英国华人论坛


借人气问问car seat 能够放在stroller上是否

预产期是蒲月份,曾经买了Stokke的crusi,才发现能配套的infant car seat只要chicco 的keyfit 30. 想借各位美妈的教训问问,假如不买配套的car seat会很不便利吗? 往常美妈们出门都习气间接把...英国华人论坛


请问大家都买哪一种Baby car seat呢?

请问大家都买哪一种Baby car seat呢? 还有假如正筹备要换车,是否最佳等车看好了再买呢? 当初看到蛮多打折的然而又耽心和当前的车型不配。。。 谢谢了! 回帖 孩子几岁?ISOfix 的最...英国华人论坛


toddler乘坐飞机的 flight seat ( Jetkids Bed

比来打算带宝宝回国一趟, 宝宝曾经不克不及再用婴儿摇篮了,有妈妈保举买这个货色,可是网上看了下,除了贵,恍如有的航空不让带这个。有妈妈们用过吗?感触如何? Screen Sho...英国华人论坛


driver seat side车窗被砸全坏!我究竟是该不

不是甚么好车,corsa,回来时发现driver seat的窗子被砸了,玻璃全坏。货色没被偷 已报警,警察间接说破案的概率小。保险买的comprehensive的,对于excess留意到下列条款: [attachimg]378713...英国华人论坛


SEAT 的车怎样?

求教各位大神,SEAT 的车,相对于于 Volkswagen 来讲,怎样? 我有留意到,相反的引擎、变速箱,相近的配置,SEAT 比 VW 廉价一大截。蛮迷人的。 想求教下,SEAT 的车怎样?值得买吗?...英国华人论坛


请问伦敦的妈妈去哪里买car seat?

在伦敦,打算周末带宝宝去店里试car seat,不知道哪家店里的样式至多便利挑拣。请知道的妈妈告诉一下,谢谢啦! 回帖 MOTHRECARE吧,不外店也分大小的,能够先在网上看看REVIEW 回帖 M...英国华人论坛


Maxi cosi Opal car seat 好吗?

看到这个maxi cosi opal car seat 能够用到3岁半,感觉省事不必换,不知道好欠好 回帖 我买的也是maxicosi,是axiss那款,9个月到4岁的,还不错。宝宝蛮喜爱坐的 回帖 我家买的是这个,次要就...英国华人论坛


宝宝入院真的必需有CAR SEAT吗?

请问有教训的妈妈们,宝宝出世后入院必需有car seat吗?没有就不让入院吗?由于我的宝宝可能就在伦敦呆几个月就回国了,昨天去看了婴儿车,篮子还有car seat的货色,都好贵,还有不...英国华人论坛


求教妈妈回国car seat 是怎么包装托运的呀

如题。 马上要坐KLM 回国了,买了一个新的car seat筹备一同托运回去。求教一下有教训的妈妈是怎么打包上飞机的呀?我有纸箱子,不外不知道会不会被暴力运输戳破了。还有就是个别...英国华人论坛


Smart car 能够放baby Seat 吗

家里宝宝2岁 不知道Smart car 可不成以放car Seat ? 网上查了一下。也没有找到一个肯定的谜底。求解。。。 回帖 能放下就可以,记得把passenger的气囊关了 回帖 应该能够,看当时座放了货...英国华人论坛


国航飞北京能让带car seat上飞机吗

此外加一个stroller. 我知道stroller能到登机口没问题。我带car seat次要是由于斟酌到北京机场坐车回家车上没car seat我真实不安心。此外在北京我要是带宝宝出门打车的话怎么弄,都没有...英国华人论坛


Car Seat 选择。Britax or Maxi Cosi

闺女要来英国了。 马上1周岁。 Car Seat我在网上找了两款。 Maxi Cosi Tobi 和 Britax First Class 请问有无用过这两款的敌人给引见下教训呗。 谢谢了~ 回帖 回帖 回帖 我用的是Britax的推车,不...英国华人论坛


想给宝宝买car seat,请JMS给些意见

宝宝9个月,男孩,想买款car seat,请问哪款好些?想买款温馨些,最佳能用到宝宝大一些的。是去实体店仍是网站上买好?不知道圣诞会不会打折?费事各位了。十分感激! 回帖 我打算...英国华人论坛


Buying Your First Toilet Seat Bidet

The advancement in bidet innovation technology that there is something else entirely to a basic holder and a helpful stool for support.What's more, not just that, bidet currently additionally comes in different forms. There are bidets that a...英国华人论坛


Where To Buy Bidet Toilet Seat

New Bathroom Style Bidet Toilet SeatOne of the best modern upgrades youll want to bring into your bathroom is the bidet toilet seat. As a toilet set combined with bidet style washlet technology, youll get to enjoy a modern bathroom experien...英国华人论坛


Global Automotive Seat Heater Market 2016 Industry

The Global Automotive Seat Heater Market Professional Survey Report 2016 is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the Automotive Seat Heater market. First, the report provides a basic overview of the Automotive Seat Heat...英国华人论坛


Global Boat Helm Seat Pedestals Market - Analysis a

Global Boat Helm Seat Pedestals Industry 2016 is a comprehensive, professional report delivering market research data that is relevant for new market entrants or established players. Key strategies of the companies operating in the market a...英国华人论坛


Ships Seat Market 2015- Global Industry Trends, Sha

The research study titled Global Ships Seat Industry 2015 evaluates the performance of the Ships Seat market the world, at present and historically, and makes future projections based on the result of the analysis. The report analyzes the gl...英国华人论坛


Global Toilet Seat Market 2016 Industry Size, Trend

Global Toilet Seat Industry 2016 Market Research Report was a professional and depth research report on Global Toilet Seat industry that you would know the world's major regional market conditions of Toilet Seat industry, the main region inc...英国华人论坛


Global Automotive Seat Belt Pretensioner Market 201

Global Automotive Seat Belt Pretensioner  Industry 2015 presents an executive level blueprint of the global Automotive Seat Belt Pretensioner market. This is an analytical research report that delves into evaluating the dynamics of the glob...英国华人论坛


Global Infant Car Seat Market demand would increase

The report offers a holistic overview of the Infant Car Seat Market with the help of application segments and geographical regions that govern the market currently. Further, the report delves deep into the value chain of the Infant Car Seat...英国华人论坛


How Do I Choose My Seat After Booking a Flight?

More room, more convenience.Whether you like sitting by the window, or you just need a bit of extra legroom for your comfort, buying a comfortable seat can change your infight experience. Many people think if its worth booking an airline sea...英国华人论坛


Easy Seat Upgrade Procedure of Turkish Airlines

Travelers can enjoy a host of services like additional legroom or a private check-in area with mouth-watering food and special security access. In case you have already booked your flight, and you want the right solution to upgrade your sea...英国华人论坛


How to book a business class seat in Southwest Airl

Get details about Southwest business class benefits and its booking procedureThe airline facilitates its passengers with various services, deals and offers for a comfortable travel. For a comfortable and relaxing journey, the passengers can...英国华人论坛


The best ways to change your Seattle office into a

There is more than one reason why a Seattle office should cut back on paper consumption, one of these is the large amount of money you could save, then there are all the trees you could be saving and also because low-tech paper is not the sa...英国华人论坛


Global and China Single Seat Control Valve Market 2

The Report Titled 'Global and Chinese Single Seat Control Valve Market, 2016-2021 Industry Research Report' is a efficient and comprehensive study on the Present state of the global Single Seat Control Valve Market with a focus on the Chines...英国华人论坛


High-Speed Train Seat Market 2016: Industry Review,

Latest industry research report on High-speed Trains Seat ensure regular operating speed of more than 200 km/h (125 mph), and offer a high level of service. They are increasingly demanded across the world since they play a vital role in the...英国华人论坛


How to use car seat belt buckle

Mercedes-Benz are equipped with the limit from the control system functions relatively strong, it can automatically adjust according to the preset speed and following distance, even before the car stopped and then start no problem. In additi...英国华人论坛


Do Toddlers Need a Car Seat on an Airplane

It is not legally required for you to use a car seat when taking your baby or toddler on a flight. There is no law or rule that states you must use a car seat. This means that you are welcome to bring your toddler with you and carry him or h...英国华人论坛


Are Car Seat Strap Covers Safe

Car seat strap covers themselves are not dangerous. Usually, they are simple products that make the car seat more comfortable for the baby. Aside from rare occasions where the covers are bad quality and make, you do not have a huge risk with...英国华人论坛


Are Car Seat Protectors Safe

Understand that not all protectors are the same. This is an obvious point but one that you have to keep in mind through the entire buying process if you choose to purchase one. Some are lower quality and do not grip as well as you would expe...英国华人论坛


Are Car Seat Mirrors Safe

Like most items you buy for your baby, you might think about quality first. Many parents will wonder about the quality of the item first, especially if you have an idea in your mind about how it works or how it can help you. Thinking about t...英国华人论坛


Are Car Seat Inserts Safe

In general, car seat inserts are safe. You do not have to worry about them that much because they are simple, effective tools for improving the comfort and safety of your baby. The only concern is use and the variety out there. Before you ma...英国华人论坛


Car Seat Safety Guidelines

Make sure to buckle up on every car ride, whether its a short trip to the store or a long road trip, it is the most important thing a family can do to stay safe.Look at the label on your car seat to make sure its appropriate for your childs...英国华人论坛


Car Interior Design Ideas

Seats and Seat CoversThe kind of car seats determine the comfort level that is experienced by the driver and the passengers. While soft seats may seem nice to sit on, they can get really uncomfortable during long travels. They come in a vari...英国华人论坛


Caring for Leather Car Seat Guide

When compared to some other materials used for creating seat covers, leather is the most delicate. It is combined with special protectants during the manufacturing itself. Even so, these protectants lose their potency with regular use, which...英国华人论坛