标签:estee - 英国华人论坛


Estee Lauder - A Global Empire From Humble Beginnin

Estee Lauder was the only woman on the list. In addition, she received the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Quite an accomplishment for a woman born to Hungarian immigrants at the turn of the century.As a young child, she helped out at her fat...英国华人论坛


The reasons for my low self esteem

1. The Bald Patch2. My height3. My weight4. The stutter5. My lack of belief in myself6. My careerTHE BALD PATCHEven though to some people it may seem trivial, I was born with a bald patch the size of a ten pence piece. As I went through chil...英国华人论坛


Building your child's self esteem

Self-esteem oftentimes seems like a fragile, distant thing that we all know what it is but don't know how to develop. Your self-esteem is a compilation of how you feel about yourself. It encompasses everything from your confidence in relatio...英国华人论坛


10 tips to kickstart your self esteem!

If you're tired of feeling "less than", afraid of making and achieving your desires and goals, feel that no matter what you do it is never "good enough", then your self esteem could do with a boost!Having low self esteem takes an enormous to...英国华人论坛