英国华人论坛 能够利用AI发生一些图片,分享


I tried playing DALLE.2 to generate pictures for some topics on selling computer parts. Some of the topics can produce reasonable photos, but some of them make less sense. Do not try to add TEXTs to the pictures because I did not see any success.

I. This picture was generated for a topic of selling used GPU. The input texts are “game GPU graphics card installed in a game machine at home blue lights.” Although it does not match what I expected, the picture is still usable. It won’t create much confusion.

II. I want to generate a picture with many server CPUs to match the topic of “selling used computer processors”. The generating texts are “Intel High-End Server CPU in quantity”. The shape of CPUs looks like an Intel processor and contains an array of CPUs. But these processors do not look like high-end ones. I can still use it.

III. Now let us look at the generated results of texts “ddr4 pc4 server memory”. I expect it can produce some details on the memory. At least I can tell if they are DDR4 or not. Among all the returns, this one looks much better. But not what I expected. I tried different text descriptions, but no good results returned. I may use it for the “selling used RAM” topic.

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英国中文论坛这样或许不波及版权了? I tried playing DALLE.2 to generate pictures for some topics on selling computer parts. Some of the topics can produce reasonable photos, but some of them make less sense. Do not try to add TEXTs to the pic ...


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