英国华人论坛 请大家帮我看看这个房屋报告


home buyer report下来了,貌似不好。在犹豫是否要放弃这套房子…朋友建议我放到论坛请达人帮忙看看值不值得买?如果要维修大概多少钱。

1.The property has two brick chimney stacks. Only the front stack could be seen and inspected. Both stacks are shared with the adjoining property. The front stack is surmounted by three ‘Leeds Bishop’ style clay pots. The junction between the stack and the roof coverings is sealed with lead flashings. A number of defects were noted to the front stack:The mortar pointing to the stack is worn and has fallen away in places. The lead flashing is worn and cracked in places. There was also evidence of damp seen internally in the second floor bedroom. The mortar base (flaunching) to the pots is cracked and missing in places. These defects are serious and could lead to damp and disrepair. Condition Rating 3. You should ask a contractor to inspect and quote for the work needed before exchange of contracts as repairs/improvements may be costly and we refer you to the page in this report entitled ‘What to do now’. Due to the need to work at height, access will be difficult and specialist access equipment will be needed which may be costly. When the remedial work is done it would be prudent to check the condition of all hidden parts to ensure no other disrepair has taken place. As the work will mean some disturbance to the building, further disrepair may well be discovered which could increase costs. Until the work is carried out, regular checks should be made internally for any possible water leakage.

2.The property has timber gutters and plastic downpipes. A number of defects were noted:The timber guttering is rotten and in places it is in total disrepair. This is serious and could lead to damp, disrepair and damage to the property. The downpipes appear to be in satisfactory condition. Condition Rating 3. You should ask a contractor to inspect and quote for the work needed before exchange of contracts as repairs/improvements may be costly and we refer you to the page in this report entitled ‘What to do now’. Because of height/orientation, access will be difficult and specialist access equipment will be needed which may be costly. Gutters and downpipes carry many hundreds of litres of water during wet weather. Their joints and stop ends are particularly prone to failure as are the outfalls which can be easily blocked by leaves and other debris. All rainwater fittings should therefore be regularly checked for defects in order to prevent leakages and spillages which could lead to damp internally.

3.The front wall is believed to be of cavity brick construction. The back wall is believed to be solid. There are instances where early cavity construction walls were laid with ‘header’, or short bricks to the external leaf of the wall to give the appearance of a solid wall. We believe this is unlikely for this house as it is the rear wall that appears solid, and also measurements taken of the width of each wall support our opinion of cavity to the front and solid to the rear. However without carrying out an intrusive investigation it is not possible to confirm this. There are no air vents to ventilate the air space beneath the ground floor. Internally, the external walls have been plastered. The walls contain an injected chemical damp-proof course. A number of defects were noted:High damp meter readings were recorded throughout the ground floor which we believe is the result of failure of the injected damp-proof course, together with lack of ventilation. The mortar pointing on the rear wall of the property has failed and fallen away in

4.The property has a mixture of solid masonry and plasterboard lined internal walls. These have been plastered, paper lined and painted with some wall tiling in the bathroom. A number of defects were noted:High damp meter readings were recorded throughout the ground floor. This is serious and could lead to damp, timber decay and disrepair. Condition Rating 3. You should ask a contractor who is a member of the Property Care Association to inspect the whole property for damp and timber defects and quote for the work needed before exchange of contracts as repairs/improvements may be costly. We refer you to the page in this report entitled ‘What to do now’. Your legal adviser should check for guarantees relating to any previous damp treatment which has been done. We refer you to section I. Cracks in plaster often occur due to movement of the floor below, doors slamming violently, the general ageing of plaster and slight movement between sheets of plasterboard but this is not considered serious or significant. If the cracks are repaired and filled, they may re-occur from time to time. The original lath and plaster finishes are particularly susceptible to vibration and disturbance such as that experienced in normal user activity or when new services or joinery are installed or renewed. The material may well be at the end of its serviceable life and ongoing patch repairs will be necessary from time to time. The wood cladding is often used to hide defective plaster. If such finishes are disturbed or removed, the underlying plaster may well need repair or possible replacement.

The property has timber doors, stairs and skirting boards. A number of defects were noted:Some of the doors are defective, and they are off their hinges on the second floor. Some of the doors did not operate smoothly. The stair handrail is missing in places. This is serious and in particular could lead to a safety risk in the event of fire, as doors off their hinges cannot operate properly as a fire barrier. Condition Rating 3. You should ask a contractor to inspect and quote for the work needed before exchange of contracts as repairs/improvements may be costly and we refer you to the page in this report entitled ‘What to do now’.

发送自苹果论坛手机版: m..com








很严重啊 尤其1,2点
发送自苹果论坛手机版: m..com

Repair chimney port and flashing, 因为你和邻居share所以没法knockdown and tile it over unless you both agree and share the cost,
换PVC gutter 和 fascia and softie ,不贵,1千左右。3和4你需要找damp company give free quotation,而且你的地板需要airvent 来通风。5不是问题换门和把手就行。应该最大的问题就是damp problem, would cost a few thousand pounds if rising damp.






damp的问题可大可小,所以最好找个damp proof的专门公司看看有没有更深入的问题。

最好找个builder给你个quotation,然后拿找个quotation找卖家要求降价,如果damp proof没有发现更深入的问题,你要个6k+,不过得有builder的quotation。

还有survey report的最后结论是什么?



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