英国华人论坛 Sponsorship License 雇主担保证 雇主问卷


服务内容:Sponsorship License (Employer’s Questionnaire) 雇主担保证(雇主问卷)服务地址:UK联系人:Yao Yan电话:078887 29208邮箱:[email protected]其他联系方式:Wechat:G1380901详情Vision Legal .jpg Sponsorship License (Employer’s Questionnaire)雇主担保证(雇主问卷)1.Are you already on the register of sponsors?您已经在保荐人名册上了吗?If yes, give your sponsor licence number (SLN):如果是,请提供您的赞助商许可证号(SLN):2.Have you applied to join the register of sponsors before but been unsuccessful?您是否曾经申请加入保荐人名册,但没有成功?If yes give the application number given如果是,请提供给定的申请号3.If your organization has traded under any other name in the last four years, give previous names starting with the most recent?如果您的组织在过去四年中以其他任何名称进行交易,请以最近的名字开头之前的名字?Give name if it has………………如果有,请给名字……4.How many people do you employ?您雇用多少人?5.Are you a Limited Company, Sole Trader, or Partnership organization?您是有限公司,独家贸易商或合伙企业组织吗?6.How long has your organization been trading (months/years)?您的组织交易了多长时间(月/年)?7.Is your organization registered with Her Majesty’s Revenue?& Customs (HMRC) if yes, please provide贵机构是否已在英国Her下注册?与海关(HMRC)如果是,请提供PAYE reference number:PAYE参考编号:Accounts office reference number:会计处参考编号:VAT registration number:增值税注册号:8.Is your organization employing migrant workers or sponsoring overseas students (non-EEA nationals) NOW? If yes, give the number:您的组织是否正在雇用移民工人或赞助海外学生(非EEA国民)?如果是,请输入数字:If you are regulated please provide a letter of confirmation from regulatory body for your business to trade?如果您受到监管,请提供监管机构的确认函以供您开展业务?9.Sponsorship management roles:赞助管理角色:You need to appoint people within your business to manage the sponsorship process when you apply for a licence.申请许可证时,您需要任命企业中的人员来管理赞助过程。The key personnel must be permanently based in the UK for the duration of the period that they fill the role you have appointed them.在担任您任命的关键职位期间,关键人员必须永久驻扎在英国。
Please provide originals or certified copies of the document below for the application:请为以下申请提供原始文件或经认证的文件副本:1.Latest Annual Accounts最新年度账目2.Up to date letter or certificate of your registration details of Governing Body allowing you to operate, if any管理机构的最新注册信或您的注册详细信息证书,以允许您进行操作(如有)3.VAT Registration Certificate, if registered增值税登记证(如果已注册)4.The registration letter from HRMC showing your PAYE Reference Number…. & Accounts Office Reference.HRMC的注册信,显示您的PAYE参考编号…。和客户办公室参考。5.Latest business bank statements最新的商业银行对账单6.Lease or agreement for business premises营业场所的租赁或协议7.Employers Liability Insurance Cert up to 5 million cover雇主责任保险证书最高限额500万8.HMRC -Self Asses. (SA300 or SA302) if applicableHMRC-自我评估 (SA300或SA302)(如果适用)9.HMRC Reg – VATHMRC Reg –增值税10.HMRC -Comp. Tax -CT603 AND CT600HMRC-比较 税-CT603和CT60011.Corp/Business Bank Statement OR Letter from bank公司/商业银行对账单或银行来信12.Company incorporation Certificate公司注册证书
APPENDIX A-INFORMATION REQUIED FROM ORGANIZATION附录A组织要求的信息1.Why are you applying for a sponsor license?为什么要申请赞助商许可证?2.What sector do you operate in?您从事哪个行业?3.What are your opening/operating hours during the week?您一周的营业时间是多少?4.Please supply an up to date hierarchy chart detailing any owner, director, and board members. If you have 50 employees or fewer please also list all the people involved with the day-to-day running of your business.请提供最新的层次结构图,其中详细列出了所有所有者,董事和董事会成员。如果您的员工人数不超过50名,则还请列出与您的日常业务有关的所有人员。5.Have you advertised the post in at least 2 sources such as Universal Job Match and other online recruitment advertising medium?您是否已通过Universal Job Match和其他在线招聘广告媒体中的至少2个来源对帖子进行了广告宣传?6.What post(s) do you intend to assign a CoS for? This information must include:您打算为哪个职位分配CoS?此信息必须包括:The job title(s) :职位名称:The duties of each post:每个职位的职责Qualifications required:要求的资格:Salary:薪水:7.If you have identified someone already that you wish to employ via the sponsorship system, please provide evidence of how you identified this person. If you identified this person as a result of a recruitment process you should include copies of advertisements placed to recruit for the post,details of any applicants and why they were not suitable for the post of offer. Please confirm whether the person is already working for you.如果您已经通过赞助系统找到了想要雇用的人,请提供您如何识别此人的证据。如果通过招聘过程确定了此人,则应提供为招聘该职位而招聘的广告的副本,任何申请人的详细信息以及为什么不适合此职位。请确认此人是否已经为您工作。8.If you have not advertised the post and the migrant is not currently working for you, please confirm how you identified that this person was the most suitable for the role.如果您尚未发布该职位的广告,而移民目前不在为您工作,请确认您如何确定此人最适合担任该职位。9.If you have already identified a person and intend to assign a CoS shortly (this will include migrants already working for you), please provide the following details of the person.如果您已经确定了一个人并打算在短期内分配CoS(这将包括已经为您工作的移民),请提供该人的以下详细信息。10.Security is important to us. Please provide confirmation that the email address supplied with your application is secure and can only be accessed by the Authorising Officer (This is the one person, who will be ultimately responsible for your recruitment and for ensuring that all of your sponsor duties are met.安全对我们很重要。请确认您的应用程序随附的电子邮件地址是安全的,并且只能由授权人员访问(这是一个人,该人将最终负责您的招聘并确保您履行所有保荐人职责。)11.Please also provide a landline telephone number if you have one. If you do not have a landline please indicate this in your response.如果有,请同时提供座机电话号码。如果您没有座机,请在回复中注明。


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