英国华人论坛 但愿知道得进来帮下


问题有点繁杂,。当初a女士在中国生有一子,然而a女士和国际丈夫离婚嫁给英国人。 当初把孩子请求到了英国来,想把孩子姓该成随母亲姓,请问应该怎么样操作呢? 仍是不成行得。 谢谢各位知情人士帮助,,


你看看这个deed poll 链接吧对于给小孩改名的各种状况:

Changing a child’s name without the consent of an absent father whose whereabouts is known
To change your child’s name by Deed Poll where the whereabouts of an absent parent (with parental responsibility) is known, we will need either the absent parent’s consent or a court order, which gives the court’s permission to change your child’s name without the absent father’s consent. The only exception to this is where a mother wishes to change her child’s name from the father’s name where there is reported violence against the mother or abuse of the children by the father or where the father is in prison for a serious offence. Examples of situations where we will accept a Deed Poll application from a mother in such circumstances are:

The mother has fled the family home to escape violence or abuse from the father and is at risk or fearful of being located.
The mother is fearful of contacting the father because of past abuse (physical or mental) towards her or her children.
The father is in prison for a serious offence such as murder, rape or other sexual offence and the mother and children do not wish to be associated by name to the father.
Where there is a court order in force for no contact.
When you apply to us for your Deed Poll, in the section of the application form where you declare parental responsibility, you will need to select the option Joint parental responsibility (father is absent). You will then need to send us a letter of consent using Example letter 4b (opens new window) as a template. Your letter will need to be modified to explain your situation and why you do not wish to contact the father for his consent. You should include details of any police crime reference numbers and/or details of the conviction and prison sentence (if applicable). We will return your letter when we post your Deed Poll documentation to you so it may be used, along with your Deed Poll, when applying to change your child’s documents and records to your child’s new name.

Please note, the issue of a Deed Poll by us is no guarantee that all official record holders, e.g. school, doctor, passport office etc, will change your child’s name records. This is because by law, official record holders should satisfy themselves that all those with parental responsibility have consented to your child’s name change. If the consent of the father is not obtained, an official record holder can refuse to change your child’s name records despite your circumstances. However, our experience is that this rarely happens except with the passport office. The official position of HM Passport Office concerning the issue of children’s passports where the father has parental responsibility is to request a court order. It may be that your passport application will be successful given your circumstances. However, you may still be asked for a court order.

The only way to guarantee that a Deed Poll will be effective is to obtain a court order giving you permission to change your child’s name without the consent of the absent father, which you should not have a problem obtaining given your circumstances. Please read section 十一 for information about applying for a court order. If you obtain a court order, you can apply to us for a Deed Poll. The court order replaces the consent of the father.




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