英国华人论坛 请求英国的游览签证


求救:想去英国玩, 怎么在多伦多请求英国的游览签证呢?


208 Bloor Street West, Suite 601
Toronto Ontario, M5S 3B4

The VAC is open Monday to Friday, with the exception of some holidays and other closures (see Public holidays and closures ). Opening hours are

Application Submission 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM
Prime Time Submission 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM (At an additional fee)
Passport Collection (Please note passport collection is available only in Toronto) 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

PASSPORT COLLECTION- TORONTO: A nominated person can collect your documents on your behalf. They will need to provide an authorisation letter signed by you, your receipt and proof of their identity.


Follow these steps to apply for a visa to the UK.

Step 1

Visit the UK government website for visas and i妹妹igration in Canada and apply for a visa online.

Step 2

To complete the application process, you must book and attend an appointment at the visa application centre in Canada. All UK visa applicants are required to book an appointment prior to submission. Walk in applicants will no longer be acco妹妹odated.

You can find more information on the ‘book an appointment’ page.

Step 3

On the day of your appointment, plan to arrive 15 minutes early at the visa application centre. Bring your appointment letter and application pack, your passport and a second valid form of identification.

When you arrive at the visa application centre you will collect a token. Wait until your token is called to make your application.

Please hold on to your receipt as you will need this later to collect your documents.

Important note: You will not be able to submit further documents once your application has been submitted at the visa application centre. The documents that you submitted at the time you made your application will be the only documents that are considered.

Step 4

Enrol your fingerprints and photograph (known as biometric information collection) at the visa application centre. This includes a digital finger scan (all 10 digits) and a digital photograph. The finger scan procedure uses an electronic scanner. No ink, liquid or chemical. You should ensure that your fingertips are free from any forms of decoration (for example, henna), cuts, abrasions or other markings as these may affect your ability to provide acceptable finger scans. Your digital photograph must be taken with full face and without sunglasses or tinted spectacles, or head covering unless it is worn for religious or medical reasons. Your face should be clearly visible with no hair across the eyes. We cannot process your visa if you do not submit your biometric information.

Step 5

You will have your documents returned to you by express courier.


When a decision has been made on your application your documents will be delivered to you by post if you have selected this option, or you can pick them up in person from the visa application centre.

Toronto: If you have applied at the Visa Application Centre in Toronto, you can collect your documents and passport from the Toronto Visa Application Centre. You will need to bring your receipt and photo ID.

You can also have it delivered to your doorstep directly from the visa processing hub in New York by selecting the courier service option.

The passport and document collection times at the visa application center is between 4:00 to 5:00pm.

A nominated person can collect your documents on your behalf. They will need to provide an authorisation letter signed by you, your receipt and proof of their identity.

If you are collecting a visa, you should check, before leaving the Visa Application Center, that it:

contains your correct personal details
correctly states the purpose for which you want to visit UK and
is valid for the date when you want to travel
If you think there is anything wrong with your visa, speak to staff in the visa application center i妹妹ediately.

Vancouver, Edmonton and Ottawa: The decision of your application, along with your documents will be delivered to your doorstep directly from the visa processing hub in New York.

详细信息详见general visitor visa



that helps, thank you so much:loveliness:


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