英国华人论坛 对于永居的犯法纪录新规则应该会打倒一大片人




Changes to settlement from 6 April

16 March 20十一

Subject to Parliamentary approval, the rules for settlement in the UK will change on 6 April 20十一.

We will tighten the current settlement criteria by introducing the following changes:

A new criminality threshold. Applicants will need to be clear of unspent convictions when they apply for settlement.

A new income requirement. Tier 1 (General) migrants will need to meet the same income criteria that applied when they last extended their permission to stay in the UK. Migrants who have been in Tier 2 (General) or Tier 2 (Intra company transfer), or who have held work permits, will need to be paid the appropriate rate as stated in our codes of practice.

Reform of the English language requirement. Migrants in Tier 1, Tier 2 and their precursor routes will need to pass the Life in the UK test rather than an ESOL with citizenship course. Transitional arrangements will apply.

An accelerated route to settlement for Tier 1 (Investor) and Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrants who meet enhanced criteria.





Requirements for indefinite leave to remain on the ground of long residence in the United Kingdom

276B. The requirements to be met by an applicant for indefinite leave to remain on the ground of long residence in the United Kingdom are that:

(i) (a) he has had at least 10 years continuous lawful residence in the United Kingdom; or

(b) he has had at least 14 years continuous residence in the United Kingdom, excluding any period spent in the United Kingdom following service of notice of liability to removal or notice of a decision to remove by way of directions under paragraphs 8 to 10A, or 十二 to 14, of Schedule 2 to the I妹妹igration Act 1971 or section 10 of the I妹妹igration and Asylum Act 1999 Act, or of a notice of intention to deport him from the United Kingdom; and

(ii) having regard to the public interest there are no reasons why it would be undesirable for him to be given indefinite leave to remain on the ground of long residence, taking into account his:

(a) age; and

(b) strength of connections in the United Kingdom; and

© personal history, including character, conduct, associations and employment record; and

(d) domestic circumstances; and

(e) previous criminal record and the nature of any offence of which the person has been convicted; and

(f) compassionate circumstances; and

(g) any representations received on the person’s behalf; and

(iii) the applicant has sufficient knowledge of the English language and sufficient knowledge about life in the United Kingdom, unless he is under the age of 18 or aged 65 or over at the time he makes his application.

Indefinite leave to remain on the ground of long residence in the United Kingdom
276C. Indefinite leave to remain on the ground of long residence in the United Kingdom may be granted provided that the Secretary of State is satisfied that each of the requirements of paragraph 276B is met.

Refusal of indefinite leave to remain on the ground of long residence in the United Kingdom

276D. Indefinite leave to remain on the ground of long residence in the United Kingdom is to be refused if the Secretary of State is not satisfied that each of the requirements of paragraph 276B is met.

这一部份是新rule的修正部份,能够看出新条例曾经把“ the applicant does not have one or more unspent convictions within the meaning of the rehabilitation of offenders act 1974”独自列出为一部份强调首要性了,旧条文虽然也会斟酌previous criminal record,但只不外是taking into account,当初这曾经被更严格的新条文所取代。

in paragraph 276B(ii), delete “(e) previous criminal record and the nature of any offence of which the person has been convicted; and”.

after the renumbered paragraph 276B(ii)(f) insert:
“; and
(iii) the applicant does not have one or more unspent convictions within the meaning of the rehabilitation of offenders act 1974.”.

最初魔头我把对于FIXED PENALTY NOTICE 贴出来,先说说甚么是FPN
Notices of Opportunity to Pay a Fixed Penalty / Penalty Notices (FPNs) can be issued by local authority officers for certain offences where the legislation permits and where the officer is authorised to do so. These notices provide a quick, visible and effective way of dealing with low-level crimes, and an alternative to prosecution.固定的罚款/罚款通知书(定额罚款通知书)能够经过对某些犯法中央当局的官员收回,立法部门允许或受权当局人员这样做。留意这往往都是关于低档次的犯法行动的疾速,显著和无效的形式,以及检控之外。这里的FPN指的超速被拍,罚款60,或者影响环境,罚款50。其实不波及上庭的传票等。

A fixed penalty is not a fine. Payment of the penalty by the recipient discharges there liability to conviction for the offence for which the FPN was issued. It does not constitute an admission of guilt, but removes the possibility of the creation of a record of criminal conviction.

From 06-April-20十一, applicants will need to be clear of unspent convictions when they apply for settlement.

Statement of changes to the I妹妹igration Rules (HC 863)
Criminality requirement for settlement applications - proposed guidance from 6 April 20十一

Since FPN is a “co妹妹on” issue that people may not have clarity on, the following should help:
Criminality requirement for settlement applications - proposed guidance from 6 April 20十一 wrote:
Receiving a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) is not a criminal conviction and should therefore be disregarded. The exceptions to this will be where either there are criminal proceedings for failure to pay and the individual has an unspent conviction as a result of that or the individual has multiple FPNs, particularly over a short period of time, and should be considered in line with the general requirements of character, conduct and associations within paragraph 322(5) of the Rules.




首先, Traffic Offence会当做Criminal Offence,其次,酒后驾车,没有保险驾车都不成以当做minor offence来罢黜。

spent conviction是指after specified periods,这个periods曾经有得多敌人贴入列表,大部份都是5年,尤为是法院罚单(此处特指Court Fine)。


h o l y c r a p…









There will be a new criminality threshold, requiring all applicants applying for settlement to be clear of unspent convictions.

出处: http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/newsfragments/35-t1-t2-annual-limits


那我死了。。。我2007年还有次traffic offence呢。。。要到20十二能力spent呢。。。 不是这么晦气吧{:5_145:}


From 06-April-20十一, applicants will need to be clear of unspent convictions when they apply for settlement.
Statement of changes to the I妹妹igration Rules (HC 863)
Criminality requirement for settlement applications - proposed guidance from 6 April 20十一

Receiving a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) is not a criminal conviction and should therefore be disregarded. The exceptions to this will be where either there are criminal proceedings for failure to pay and the individual has an unspent conviction as a result of that or the individual has multiple FPNs, particularly over a short period of time, and should be considered in line with the general requirements of character, conduct and associations within paragraph 322(5) of the Rules.
•Likewise, receiving a caution is not a criminal conviction and, despite conditional cautions carrying a short rehabilitation period, they are to be disregarded for the purposes of this draft guidance. Again however, a person who has multiple cautions, particularly over a short period of time, should be considered in line with the general requirements of character, conduct and associations within paragraph 322(5) of the Rules.
Statement of changes to the I妹妹igration Rules (HC 863)
Criminality requirement for settlement applications - proposed guidance from 6 April 20十一






集体感觉仍是公道的,Fixed Penalty Notice不算,所以不重大超速,酒后驾车神马的就没事儿,uk这边有时分对重大交通闹事惩罚力度显著不敷,常常有报导致使伤残只赔几百镑ban driving 几年神马就完事的。碰到过几个国际的还真不论那套,该饮酒就喝,车也照开不误。


那撤消驾照6个月怎么办。。。。。 我这个应该属于没有上庭。。由于延续搬迁,都没有收到过法庭传票。。。请问知道有甚么方法能够查吗?谢谢。。








我想请问下,我刚刚从DVLA上查到我的处分是 This appears as “DISQ. S35 R.T. OFF ACT 88”. An endorsement of this nature must remain on a driving licence for a period of 4 years from the date of conviction.











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