标签:Galaxy - 英国华人论坛


Galaxy s8 plus 欧洲版用不了国际SIM。

请支招,不堪感谢! 回帖 欧版用联通的卡吧,挪动确定不行。 回帖 好像联通是能够的,我以前三星用挪动几乎不克不及动 回帖 是否以前签的手机啊?需求先解锁吧, 和欧洲的通信商...英国华人论坛


Samsung Galaxy S 5 香港颁发,同场固然还有

每一年这个时分,都是各大次要厂商争相推出旗舰手机,以期抢占市场的日子。继比上年早了不少推出的LG G Pro 2,以及挟 2013 最好手机后继者名衔的HTC One(M8)之后,一贯将聚碳酸酯玩...英国华人论坛


Galaxy S5 的指纹辨识器仍是被老破解办法给

该说是破解团队 SRLabs 太强仍是厂商没有当真思索,怎么更进一步保障手机的平安性?半年前,首部搭载指纹扫描规格的"iPhone",便曾经被该团队透过简略的制模技术给绕过,这次,他们...英国华人论坛


Samsung Galaxy K Zoom 正式退场,照像手机再进

只能说,以前的泄露照角度拍得真好(或该说阿谁维护壳让镜头的崛起变得不显著),上图,这就是 Samsung 在照像手机产品系列的最新尝试:Galaxy K Zoom。首先,大家应该很猎奇究竟 K...英国华人论坛


风闻 Samsung 将推出的 Galaxy Tab S 像一部缩

虽然 Samsung 曾经在往年推出了得多 GalaxyNote Pro和 GalaxyTab Pro系列的平板,不外似乎他们停不了,还要多来一个 Galaxy「Tab S」的系列呢。下面这张由 SamMobile 流出的平板图,有可能就是 S...英国华人论坛


Galaxy S5三防版发布 健壮迷彩如同铁甲坦克

前不久,疑似三星 Galaxy S5 Active 入手玩的视频浮出水面,但咱们今日才看到这台具备防水与金属外壳的手机正式发布。 5.1寸 Full HD AMOLED 屏幕与 Galaxy S5 彻底相反,并且还有 1,600 万像素...英国华人论坛


Samsung Galaxy K Zoom 六月登陆香港,有 4G L

Samsung Galaxy K Zoom究竟会不会受欢送呢?这个要等市场来评估,只是从Samsung香港低调公布这款高倍数变焦手机的状况来看,他们或许不抱乐观的态度。按照民间收回来的旧事稿,Samsung...英国华人论坛


三星材料暗示下代 Galaxy Note 会换上 QHD 屏

斟酌到 Galaxy Note 产品线的滞销度,三星会持续打造下一代机种简直能够说是一件板上钉钉的事件。那在现有Galaxy Note 3的根底上,他们还能玩出些甚么新把戏呢?换上一块 QHD 分辨率的屏...英国华人论坛


三星推Galaxy S5静止版 外型另类无情趣

明天三星携手美国经营商Sprint推出了全新的Galaxy S5变种——Galaxy S5 Sport,望文生义,这是一款针对静止喜好者的机型。 Galaxy S5 Sport与三防版本的Galaxy S5 Active对比接近,侧面采取三颗实...英国华人论坛


三星 Galaxy S5 mini 正式公布:规格缩水但感

传说中的Galaxy S5小型机种终因而正式公布了,毫有意外,它的名字就叫Galaxy S5 mini。但使人没想到的是,三星这次并没为勤俭本钱而去掉 Galaxy S5 招牌式的各类感应器。无论是心率检测器...英国华人论坛


三星GALAXY Tab S评测:超薄设计+屏幕杰出



我比来想买个平板tablet,请问galaxy tab第三

我比来想买个平板tablet,请问第三代和第四代的机能差异有多大呀? 我对比中意10寸的平板。 galaxy tab 3 10.1 和 galaxy tab 4 10.1 谢谢! 回帖 说瞎话,看不出有多大差异,http://www.phonearen...英国华人论坛


三星GALAXY A5,你会斟酌动手咩?

明天在网上看见了三星galaxy A5的谍照,真是业界良知,听说终于要丢弃一向的破塑料了。用金属壳了。 贴下原文: 据悉,三星GALAXY A5将会设备5.0英寸Super AMOLED触控屏幕,不外屏幕分辨...英国华人论坛


三星Galaxy S6具体细节暴光 顶级设备决一雌

作为寰球范围较大的手机厂商之一,三星往年的日子其实不好于,在被变大屏幕的iPhone 6打击的同时,还要遭到泛滥新突起的国产机的夹击,而且作为本年度重头戏公布的Galaxy S5和Gala...英国华人论坛


三星Galaxy S6外观暴光 “双曲面屏”真实酷

此前有传言称三星正在暗暗研制新一代的Galaxy S6手机,这款手机的代号为“Project Zero”,这与三星以往的习气其实不相符,所以本次名目称号的转变暗示着三星急于保住行将被掠取的位...英国华人论坛


三星Galaxy Note 4电池续航测试:器大更耐久

国外著名数据网站gsmarena为咱们分享了Note 4更为具体的续航讲演,它次要是从通话、上网以及视频播放三个方面来进行续航测试。 Galaxy Note 4电池容量为3220mAh,仅仅比Note 3多20mAh,然而屏...英国华人论坛


三星Galaxy S4 GPe海量安卓5.0截图暴光 动人

外媒SamMoblie近日公布了一批三星 Galaxy S4 GPe 手机运转 Android 5.0 的界面截图。这不是 TouchWiz,而是原生的 Android。与以前发布的截图并没有太大却别,界面非常洁净清新。 目前Galaxy S4 G...英国华人论坛


油炸三星Galaxy S5 这酥脆几乎不敢想

从来喜爱对手机进行暴力测试的国外网友TechRax在用各种办法完虐iPhone 6之后,又将眼光投向了三星Galaxy S5,咱们都知道S5手机具备防水功用,然而假如将其放在油,而且是滚烫的油之中...英国华人论坛


疑似三星Galaxy S6暴光 iPhone 6哭晕在厕所

前不久,三星正式收回了MWC2015约请函,在约请函中三星暗示了将要公布一款新的曲面屏手机,外界结合三星的近期举措揣测:三星Galaxy S6也极有可能泛起在本次大会上。再加之近日对于...英国华人论坛


三星Galaxy S6神似iPhone 6 苹果诉讼已筹备

三星电子几天前曾经收回约请函,他们将于往年的 MWC 大会上公布新一代旗舰智能手机 Galaxy S6。虽然三星并无在约请函傍边透露 Galaxy S6 的任何特性,然而这一款手机的形状设计以及原...英国华人论坛


samsung galaxy note 5 开箱

又是一年了, 三星于9月21号美国上市这款旗舰 。目前欧洲听说往年是不会上的 为s6 edge plus 铺路。集体感觉这款机子很不错 。亮点在于尺寸掌握的恰好加之曲屏玻璃后盖使到手感极佳...英国华人论坛


note 7 爆炸缘故找着了?

三星手机「Galaxy Note 7」上市仅14天以来,最少已有35支新机起火自燃,美国佛州更有车主因将手机放在车上充电,形成整辆吉普车烧光的不测。关于Galaxy Note 7爆炸的缘故也是谈论从多,...英国华人论坛


samsung galaxy s4 换 nexus 5怎样

手上有N5 , 有人要拿S4和我换, 大家怎么看? 都是全新没有开封的 回帖 答:换 S4全新的能够卖个330,这样能够净赚个20镑,而后能够再去买个N5。。而后又换。。又买。。又换。。。...英国华人论坛


Samsung Galaxy 相机 仍是 Olympus Pen EM

还有一个多月宝宝就要出世了,想买个拍照成果好的相机记载宝宝生长的点点滴滴。 以前没用过SLR的相机,所以在找用法智能,但图片成果好的相机。先是看上Olympus Pen EM-2, 可是这几...英国华人论坛


谁是任务糊口的好帮手——三星GALAXY No



The Beauty of Galaxy Granite Tiles

Ifyou are looking to make a statement in your home, then there are few finer waysof achieving this than fitting out a room with sparkly tiles or some superflamboyant floor tiles. Home decoration tends to be a high priority for anydiscerning...英国华人论坛


Samsung Galaxy S20: Specs, Leaks, Release Date, and

They change some features and add some advanced features to make their smartphones attractive and also giving a new look. In the new S series phones, it can be designed with more cameras, and a well-designed display or more important has a f...英国华人论坛


Galaxy S20: How to Use Wi-Fi Calling, Caller ID Pro

Source: Galaxy S20: How to Use Wi-Fi Calling, Caller ID Protection rsquo;t receive a call on your phone and receive any cellular activity. If you want to solve this issue, then you can use Wi-Fi calling on your Galaxy S20 phones to connect...英国华人论坛


Recycling the Samsung Galaxy S

The Samsung Galaxy S was released 2 years ago next month (March), so it's likely that if you snapped the phone up quickly at launch, your now looking to upgrade to Samsung's newer Galaxy S2. If so, why not recycle your old Samsung Galaxy S h...英国华人论坛


Samsung Galaxy Pocket - Another Android Handset Tha

Samsung announced its latest budget Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) handset during the MWC 2012, this is the Samsung Galaxy Pocket. Samsung took its time and have waited for the much awaited Mobile World Congress 2012 before it announced the arriv...英国华人论坛


Samsung Galaxy Tab 620 Price in india and Features

To keep it competitive, Samsung Galaxy Tab 620 price in India has been reduced significantly in recent past. Samsung Galaxy Tab 620 price at the time of its launch was close to Rs. 30,000 which has been brought down to Rs. 26,499 currently....英国华人论坛


Rumors Samsung Galaxy S6

There are rumors that are being posted online that Samsung's, the South Korean electronics giant, next flagship smartphone the Galaxy S6 will feature "dual-edged" display meaning the right and left side of the smartphone will be curved. Simi...英国华人论坛


Should you get the Galaxy S7 or LG G5?

Samsung and LG were both huge hits at Mobile World conference, and Android lovers have been trying to figure out which of these phones will be the next best thing for them. Both have great features, and they are actually fairly similar in wh...英国华人论坛


Samsung Galaxy Mobile: Unarguably the Most Successf

The word "Satisfaction" has no place in the dictionary of one of the leading mobile makers of the world - Samsung. They are not satisfied with the best and hence, they keep on introducing better than the best. While manufacturing mobile phon...英国华人论坛


Visit the galaxy with samsung galaxy s

Samsung phones are popular for their trendy and fashionable looks. The recent handsets of this family have received lots of popularity and ha reached the doors of many customers. Its touchscreen phone are also benchmark for the mobile indust...英国华人论坛


Samsung galaxy tab carries best navigation facility

For past some months, Samsung mobile phones are attracting huge crowd of buyers as most of its latest handsets are meticulously made and give great performance with finely-made multimedia features. One of the best gizmos in its range is Sams...英国华人论坛


Samsung galaxy s zenith of high performance

It is very essential for every handset to give high performance. Otherwise, it could not get success in market. We tell that there are many handsets available in UK electronics market which can help to a little extent. If you are a kind of b...英国华人论坛


Samsung galaxy S : procure the latest technologies

Samsung galaxy S, fantastic handset comes with super amoled capacitive touchscreen display with 16M colours supporting 480 x 800 pixels with 4.0 inches on gorilla glass and touch-sensitive controls with proximity sensor for auto turn-off pre...英国华人论坛


The Great Galaxy S2 From Samsung - Destined To Beco

Samsung are beginning to establish a reputation as a leading phone manufacturer on the back of the success of the hugely popular Galaxy S model.  It is pleasing to see that the replacement for this model, the new Galaxy S2, far exceeds what...英国华人论坛


The Fantastic Samsung Galaxy S Giorgio Armani Promi

The company has partnered with Samsung to create a new andstylish device, The Samsung Galaxy S Giorgio Armani. Like any other phonecreated, it will have some flaws, or may lack a feature or two, but this willnot overshadow the sleek design o...英国华人论坛


A Comparison Of The Samsung Galaxy S2 And The Nokia

To date any handset we have attempted to compare to the superb Samsung Galaxy S2 has failed to match the excellent quality that is offered by this phone.  The balance between functionality and specification is perfect with a Super AMOLED di...英国华人论坛


Samsung Galaxy Fit - A latest device fit for mid-ra

South Korean company Samsung has got an exclusive place in the mobile-phone world with its Galaxy series of smartphones. In the current year 2011, the company has added one more device in this gallery by launching the Samsung Galaxy Fit S567...英国华人论坛


Galaxy Blue Sapphire - A Gleaming Opportunity

Galaxy Group, a reputed realty develop launches its latest project Galaxy Blue Sapphire. Sprawling over an impress 2 and half acres of land, the project has 500 units approximately housed in 15 floors; the project is a very wise and profitab...英国华人论坛


Why the Fellowes Galaxy E-Wire Binding Machine is R

When you're in the market for a new bindingmachine, you can't go wrong with one from Fellowes. The company makessome of the best document finishing products money can buy and theyhave a great selection of plastic comb, thermal, and wire bind...英国华人论坛


Contest among Galaxy S2, apple iphone4 and Galaxy N

Design:   Galaxy Note, looks just like the previous Android product, round, flat, and very simple, beautiful, it is an extremely slim (9. 65 mm) as well as large-screen product. Galaxy Note gives you a stylus, which is hidden in the bottom...英国华人论坛


Fellowes Galaxy Manual Plastic Comb Binding Machine

Overview: TheFellowes Galaxy manual plastic comb binding machine is designed forfrequent use in a medium to large office environment. This machine offers a sleek contemporary look that is designed to blend into an office environment. Althoug...英国华人论坛


Samsung Galaxy Tab 750 looks very pretty

Samsung Galaxy Tab 750 is the big daddy now of all the tablets available now in markets. This tablet is very sleek and stylish in first impression. This is premium product by Samsung team and you get complete experience when you hold in your...英国华人论坛


Play DVD movies on Samsung Galaxy S3

Boast a 4.8-inch HD Super AMOLD 720p resolution display, a quad-core processor, a 8-megapixel camera and a good-looking, slick new design. Samsung Galaxy S3 makes it an ideal video player for you to play your favourite videos on it.However,...英国华人论坛


New Galaxy Note Launch Set for August

Samsungs Galaxy Note II has received a lot of hype from avidtech fans.Set for a big release announcement at the end of August, this deviceis one of the most highly anticipated pieces of technology for the summer.Recently,a supposed image of...英国华人论坛


All About the Fellowes Galaxy E Comb Binding Machi

Do you need a new comb binding machine for your office? If you do, one product that you should consider is the electric Fellowes Galaxy E. This is a high-quality device that you're going to love. Here's everything you need to know about its...英国华人论坛