英国华人论坛 刚采集到的考车问题下去分享下


At the start of the driving test, the driving examiner will ask you two ‘show me, tell me questions’ regards basic vehicle maintenance. One will be a ‘tell me’ how to do something question where you will have to explain how you would do something, for instance checking the tyre pressure. The other question will be a ‘show me’ question. Thats where you will have to physically show the examiner how you would do something, for example test the horn.

You can not fail your test if you get any of the ‘show me, tell me questions’ wrong but you will get a driving fault for every question you fail to answer correctly (don’t forget you’re allowed fifteen faults in the whole driving test).

Q: Open the bonnet, identify where you would check the engine oil level and tell me how you would check that the engine has sufficient oil.
A: The dip-stick is identified on the picture at the bottom of this page. This involves you opening the bonnet. You would check by removing the dip-stick, wiping it clean of oil, dipping it back in, removing it again and the oil should leave a mark between the maximum and minimum marker.

Q: Tell me how you would check the engine coolant level and tell me how you would check that it has the correct level.
A: The coolant tank is identified on the picture at the bottom of this page. This involves you opening the bonnet. The coolant can be checked by looking at the maximum and minimum levels found on the side.

Q: Tell me where the windscreen washer reservoir is and how you would check the windscreen washer level.
A: This is identified on the picture at the bottom of this page. This involves you opening the bonnet. It can be checked by opening it up and checking that it has sufficient washer fluid inside.

Q: Tell me where the brake fluid reservoir is and tell me how you would check that you have a safe level of hydraulic brake fluid.
A: The brake fluid reservoir is identified on the picture at the bottom of this page. This involves you opening the bonnet. It can be checked by looking at the maximum and minimum levels found on the side of the brake fluid reservoir.

Q: Tell me how you would check that the brake lights are working on the car.
A: You would explain to the examiner that you would start the car, press the footbrake and see the reflection of the brake lights off a wall behind or ask someone to help by looking behind the car and to check that the brake lights work.

Q: Tell me how you would check that the brakes are working before starting a journey.
A: Tell the examiner you would start the car, drive forward slowly and try the footbrake, it should stop the car and the pedal should feel firm and not spongey.

Q: Tell me how you would check the tyre pressure and how you would know how much air to put in to the tyre.
A: Theres a little sticker near the drivers door (different on various car’s) that tells you the correct air pressure. Tyre pressure information can also be found in the car manual. You can check the tyre pressure by using a tyre pressure guage.

Q: Tell me how you can check the tyres to ensure that they have sufficient tread depth and that their general condition is safe to use on the road.
A: The tread depth can be measured using a tread depth guage. The legal minimum amount of tread should me no less than 1.6妹妹 of tread in the centre of the tyre and there shouldn’t be any cuts or bulges on the edge of the tyre.

Q: Tell me how you can check that the power assisted steering is working before starting a journey.
A: Tell the examiner that you would start the car and steer the steering wheel a little left and right, it should feel nice and light and not heavy.

Q: Show me how you would check the headlights & taillights are working.
A: Turn the headlights on, get out, check that both front headlights and the back taillights are working (check from the pavement).

Q: Show me how you can check the direction indicators are working.
A: Turn the hazard warning lights on, get out and check from the pavement that the front indicators are working and the back ones (both sides).

Q: Tell me how you make sure your head restraint is correctly adjusted so it provides the best protection in the event of a crash.
A: The head restraint should be adjusted so the rigid part of the head restraint is at least as high as the eye or top of the ears, and as close to the back of the head as is comfortable. N.B. Some restraints might not be adjustable.

Q: Show me how you would clean the windscreen using the windscreen washer and wipers.
A: Operate control to wash and wipe windscreen (turn ignition on if necessary). Check warning light is on. Explain use.

Q: Tell me how you would know if there was a problem with your anti lock braking system.
A: Warning light should illuminate if there is a fault with the anti lock braking system.

Q: Show me how you would set the demister controls to clear the windows effectively, this should include both front and rear screens.
A: Set all relevant controls including; fan, temerature, air direction / source and heated screen to clear windscreen and windows. Engine does not have to be started for this demonstration.

Q: Show me how you would switch on the rear fog light(s) and explain when you would use it / them. (no need to exit vehicle).
A: Operate switch (turn on dipped headlights and ignition if necessary).

Q: Show me how you can check the horn is working (off road only).
A: Press the horn and you should hear it works.

Q: Show me how you can check the handbrake (parking brake) for excessive wear.
A: Press the footbrake down, release the handbrake, re-apply the handbrake and the handbrake shouldn’t come up too high and the car shouldn’t move when you release the footbrake.

Under the bonnet locations of:

Brake fluidCoolantOil dip-stickWindscreen washer reservoir



2条 tell me show me 全错了…



Good luck mate!








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