英国华人论坛 留学生在英国打工的法律规定


在英国,法律规定每个对于海外学生打工每星期不超过20小时。(放假期间,不超过40小时每周)。强调一点:任何被Home office 发现有打工超时的Case都将100%遣送回国。


Main (adult) rate for workers aged 22 and over

4.10 GBP per hour (from 1 October 2001),4.20 GBP per hour (from 1 October 2002)*

Development rate for workers aged 18-21 inclusive

3.50 GBP per hour (from 1 October 2001),3.60 GBP per hour (from 1 October 2002)*


The development rate can also apply to workers aged 22 and above during their first 6 months in a new job with a new employer and who are receiving accredited training.)

* The Government has agreed in principle that these rates should take effect on 1 October 2002 subject to the continuation of favorable economic conditions.

To check on how the National Minimum Wage applies to you (or your staff), use the TIGER interactive website or telephone the National Minimum Wage Helpline on 0845 6000 678. This is also the number to ring if you think you are being underpaid and wish to make a complaint. You may also email the helpline from the Inland Revenue's NMW website. All complaints about underpayment of the National Minimum Wage are treated in the strictest confidence.



对于工资: 基本上各地还都比较听话,对于新手打工都按照最低的工资起价。多一点的也有5磅以上的。即便是熟手向上浮动的空间也不会很大(2磅之内)。除非你有什么特别的技能(像CAD制图,装修等等),你可能会有很高的收入。要看你的打工场合,时间,和地点和运气。无论如何,良好的听力,流利的口语是你抓住好机遇一项至关重要的因素。

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英国中文论坛招聘岗位:仓库工作工作种类:全职薪水:面议薪水类型:月薪支付周期:月付工作地点:莱斯特联系人:STEVEN电话:07464612688详情 需要资深仓储主管,经理,英语需流利沟通,精通对 ...



英国中文论坛招聘岗位:办公室助理工作种类:办公室薪水:面议薪水类型:月薪支付周期:月付工作地点:伯明翰联系人:Leona邮箱:[email protected]详情联合地产 诚聘办公室助理(伯明翰工作 ...