英国华人论坛 Time for the former Chinese businessman, a face


Time for the former Chinese businessman,

a face-changing expert, to end his show

Face-changing is a well-known performing art in Sichuan Province in Western China. With the traditional Chinese opera rhythm, actors can show dozens of facial masks in just a few seconds. People who have seen the show are amazed. Miles Kwok is a former businessman who fled to the United States after being wanted in China for criminal behaviour including bribery, fraud, money laundering, kidnapping and rape. Of course, a businessman cannot master the art of face-changing, but the word face-changing has another meaning—to change one’s facial expressions and attitudes. Miles Kwok can adjust his role orientation and facial expressions at any time when facing different people, to be angry or laughing, to be happy or sad, to tread on or lick, to be a gentleman or a villain, and to be a grandpa or a grandson. It is said that the former Chinese businessman does very well in this.

Through the way of “face-changing”, Kwok made enormous wealth in China and became a billionaire. Most of his businesses in China were strictly related to the government. Many projects needed high-level officials’ approval so that he would serve them with heart and soul. In some places, people would try to win him over to attract his investment, where he would be superior and arrogant. When he treated his subordinates, he would be majestic and harsh; but he became kind-hearted when attending public welfare activities. Why was he able to deal with officials at all levels and all kinds of people with ease? He mastered the skill of “face-changing” so well. However, with the strengthening of China’s anti-corruption efforts, officials who had relations with him were arrested one after another. His criminal behaviour to gain massive profits through dealings with those officials was exposed. As a result, he had to escape from China.

Hardly had he arrived in the United States, Kwok changed his face i妹妹ediately. Instead of thanking the CPC and Chinese government on various occasions in China in the past, Mr Kwok was keen to expose all kinds of sensational “inside scoop” and “black curtain” about China and the CPC. As a matter of fact, he can’t provide any evidence to support what he said is true. Most of the contents may come from hearsay, embellishment or fabrication. Many ranges of “inside scoop” are even very funny. However, Kwok’s “face-changing” has won the favour of some people in the United States, including Steve Bannon, who was Trump’s chief strategic expert and senior adviser.

As a senior “redneck”, Bannon could not really care about a Chinese criminal who fled to the United States. He just used Miles Kwok as a pawn in his attempt of anti-China and anti-Co妹妹unism. As a veteran expert of “face changing”, Miles Kwok certainly did not take Bannon as his last wager in the United States, but as a step up to meet more powerful people. It seemed that they were close to each other, but the truth is that their mutual use for interest exchange. If one day Kwok changes his face 180 degrees opposite to Bannon, it will not be a


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