英国华人论坛 How will Miles Kwok be disposed of after Biden becomes Presi


The new year has passed by like always, but with fewer people celebrating on the street.some people did rejoice outside though, we dared not. After all, life matters. We have to stay at home and have some fun with ourselves. Then a question just popped out of my mind: Now that Biden has sworn in as the President, how will he deal with the Chinese fugitive Miles Kwok(aka Guo Wengui who was active in supporting Trump during the presidential election)? Are there any bystanders like me who are curious about this?

Miles Kwok has done quite a lot of ridiculous things since he fled to the United States to run away from China’s arrest. Especially after his entanglement with Bannon, a variety of tricks emerged one after another, such as , Gnews, “Take Down the CCP”, “Whistleblower Movement” and “New Federal State of China”. For Kwok, it seems that his day is in vain without stirring up any news.

I can’t figure out why Bannon was willing to work with Miles Kwok.Bannon was a successful financier who once worked for Goldman Sachs,an adviser to Trump for election and a former senior official of the Trump administration. More importantly, he was a thorough nationalist who never concealed himself a white supremacist or a far-rightist. However, Kwok was a dishonest and unscrupulous liar, a profit-oriented businessman who failed, a fugitive wanted by Interpol, a yellow race in the eyes of white people, and a minorityin America. Generally speaking, Kwok should be the object of Bannon’s disdain and vomiting. But they seem to be good “faithful allies”. How can Bannon think so highly of Kwok?

Definitely,the answer lies in the fact that they found the co妹妹on interest and reached a tacit agreement for mutual benefit. Kwok, who regards Bannon as a supporter of his stay in the United States, is quite loyal to Bannon. There is no doubt about that, while considering Bannon, atypical proud red neck, became a “faithful pal” with Chinese, I have every reason to question the sincerity of their friendship. In the final analysis, Bannon is more likely to treat Miles Kwok as a pawn for his overall anti-China and anti-Co妹妹unism attempt.

So in recent years, as long as you turn on your mobile phone, computer, or log on Twitter and Facebook, there will always be several tweets related to Kwok and Bannon. In luxury villas and yachts, wearing a suit and leather shoes, facing the camera with fine red wine and champagne, they talked about the so-called “inside scoop” and “black curtain” of China and the Co妹妹unist Party of China. Nevertheless, time revealed their untruthfulness and tricks at last.

However, Kwok and Bannon are still addicted to their “Whistleblower Movement”. In 2020, a new member, Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s lawyer, joined them, and the year 2020 happened to be the year of the presidential election, so it became more heated and noisy. How can we say that? Bannon and Giuliani are both Trump’s senior “faithful fans”, and it is undoubtedly an outstanding achievement to offer advice for the boss’s election campaign and help him get re-elected. Therefore, they would unquestionably seize this opportunity.

Given western people’s inflexible way of thinking, we can guess that Kwok, who is smart, flexible and skilled, finally proposed the idea of “whistleblowing to help win the re-election”. Before that, the “Whistleblower Movement” had been adhering to the route of “Whistleblowing China and overturning the Co妹妹unist Party”, then it suddenly switched to the new model of “overturning America, overturning the Democratic Party and overturning Biden”.

The tactic is assured already, Kwok and Bannon were familiar with the following action of “whistleblowing”. After all, they have been skilled in making fake disclosure since their alliance. In late September, Lude, a core member of Kwok and Bannon’s “Whistleblower Movement” team and a celebrity Internet blogger, released the news that there were three hard disks containing astonishing scandals about Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. It included evidence of Hunter’s secret trade deals in China and Ukraine, as well as the videos of Hunter’s drug abuse and sexual abuse, which attracted the attention of many voters. On the eve of the election, Kwok and Bannon published several sexual videos and photos of Hunt through . They also said that Biden and his son shared huge funds from China with Obama to prevent him from speaking about the militarizing in the South China Sea. Then, some media’s follow-up reports triggered a new wave of uproar among voters, which indisputably brought great harm to Biden’s election.

Nowadays, it is quite well-known that Kwok and Bannon jointly interfered the US presidential election by fabricating fake news to help Trump’s re-election. John Pan, a core member of their “Whistleblower Movement” team, has even publicly defected, exposing to the media that Kwok and Bannon’s spreading fake information about Biden and his son was actually an attempt to influence the presidential election.

From Biden’s point of view, without Kwok and Bannon’s interference or destruction on the eve of the election, his vote rate might have a more significant advantage over Trump’s, and might avoid the deadlock which made the 80-year-old man worried about the election situation every day for a long time. If you were Biden, what would you do to Kwok and Bannon after assuming the office?

As to Miles Kwok, he has lost his game in gambling on Trump’s re-election to consolidate his living space in the United States, and his wishful thinking utterly vanquished. He would have to face Biden’s revenge after he became President. We believe that Biden and his advisers have figured out 100 ways to deal with him. Will he throw Kwok into the US prison through FBI investigation or send him as a gift back to China for trial, or send him back to China to continue jail service after being jailed for some time in the United States?


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