英国华人论坛 电话面试会涉及哪些方面


◎Yeah, This is xxx speaking. you must be prof xxx(greeting)
◎how are you? thanks for calling(over)
◎Sorry, I cann't hear you clearly, would you please speak a littel more loudly?
  (disguise the things not understand)
◎Yeah, I know it, but I don't know how to express it in English.
Common Questions
◎Please introduce yourself.
◎※What's your major and research work?
◎Please tell me your working experience.
◎How about the whether here or in some place today?
◎※Why you choose this univ.? ( Why are you interesting in XXX University? )
◎Will you like to study in a small but with high quality university or a
  big university like Harvard or Princeton?
 Career Plan
◎What will you plan to do in the future?
Teaching Exp.
◎Did you use any english textbook in classes?
◎How about your abblity to be a teaching assistant? (I told him it's no probl
 em if use Chinese, but I need some practice in English.)
◎Any formal TA training? Have taken TSE?
◎Tell me something about your teaching or conduct meeting experience.
Research Exp.
◎What are you doing now ( project thesis content evaluation deficiency )?
◎As for XXX, are you insterested?
◎research interest & research background,
 They are interested in what you have done and also your opinions.
 Moreover, They are interested in important projects like sponsored by the Na
 tional (Social) Science Foundation,etc.
◎Do you have any special or excellent idea during your research experience?
Personal Ques.
◎Do you have some question on me/institute?
◎Why are you going to USA not staying your homeland to study?
  Why you want to have your graduate study in US?
◎What is your major now?
◎What is your favor? Hobby sports and music.
◎What's your plan in this univ.?
◎What's your plan after you finish your study?
◎Do you apply for other university or contact with other faculties?
◎If we give you this offer, will you accept it? Now, you could ask me
  questions about this position.
◎If you have any classmates in this university.
◎why pursue phd?
◎※When is the vacation of your University?
◎※You are a undergraduate or postgraudate student?
◎※Where are you from?
◎※Have you contact with any professor?
◎※How do you study your English?
◎Who is the great person in the world in your eyes?
◎What programming language do you know?
◎Is there some special faculty you are interested in?
◎※what is your toefl score
◎The research project is very dificult?
  tell him you work 16 hours a day, plan 5-6 years finished it
◎if I give you offer, can you come july?
  tell him you only can come august,else he will feel you are
  not strong enough.
◎There is a lot difference between the China & Amercia
  education systems, what you will prepare for it and for the school.
My Ques.
 climate, living expense, tution and fee, the amount of TA, Research Project


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