英国华人论坛 总计里程达到环绕地球118圈 庆祝英航上海-伦



(Shanghai, June, 2006)Today marks the first anniversary of British Airways’ opening of its new Shanghai-London route.
Mr. Fernando Suarez, General Manager of Greater China & the Philippines, stated that British Airways has already successfully transferred more than 40,000 passengers from Shanghai to the UK, accumulating more than 2.95 millions flight miles since the launch last year. “This is equal to 118 trips around the Earth,” Fernando proudly shared with media interviewers.

苏丰年先生不仅对英航过去一年在上海市场的表现做出了充分的肯定,同时还透露英航去年投资1亿英镑全新打造并受业内广泛好评的“空中极品”商务舱,将从现在起陆续投入使用。苏丰年先生表示:“英航虽然进入上海市场只有短短一年,但已经在该市场上获得了巨大的成功。一年来,英航针对不同细分市场,如头等舱,公务舱,超级经济舱和经济舱而分别推出的各种促销活动在市场上取得了非常良好的销售业绩,这充分体现了英航对市场的敏锐和对客人的关注。 Fernando, commented to media that he is very satisfied with the performance of British Airways in the Shanghai market. He also announced the gradual introduction of British Airways’ upgraded business class, which BA has invested the enormous sum of 100 million pounds to develop and will bring to passengers service standards that are “the best in the air.” He also indicated that BA’s strong performance doubtlessly results from its deeper understanding of each market segment, enabling them to provide the best service.


Based on the latest British Airways global fiscal report, the leading airline earned a global pre-tax profit of £6.2 billion this year, an increase of 21 percent over the same period in 2005. Similarly, its revenue of £7.7 billion last year grew to £8.52 billion this year. The last 12 months have also seen improved operating profits now reaching £705 million and the profit margin hit 8.3%. British Airways’ strong performance in the Shanghai market was undoubtedly a driver of these remarkable results.

当被问到英航是如何在竞争如此激烈的环境中,仍然保持着市场的领先优势时,苏丰年先生回答道:“航空业是一个对服务要求十分严格的行业。英航的一切服务都是在充分掌握了客人的深层需求基础上研发和推出的。正如2000年,英航划时代地在商务舱推出平躺式座椅,开启了航空业先河。我们必须在这个竞争激烈的市场保持我们的领先优势,而这款全新商务舱产品将把英航与其他主要航空对手区分开来,现在起,这款全新打造过的产品必将为商务旅客提供更完美的高空享受,这也是英航始终把客人的切身感受作为一门很重要的学问来研究的具体体现。” Speaking of the increasing competition, Fernando said, “It is obvious that commercial aviation is a highly competitive industry. British Airways revolutionised the aviation world when

we pioneered the very first flat bed in business class cabins in 2000. We must continue to lead the industry in this fiercely competitive market. The introduction of new Club World products will further distinguish British Airways from its competitors, providing even greater service to our business class travellers through persistent research into the needs of travellers.

回顾一年来英航所收集的客户满意度调查问卷中,凡是体验过英航服务的客人都对英航给予了高度的评价。主管乘客满意度调查的负责人对媒体透露:“在过去一年中,英航接待了超过40,000位从上海出发的乘客,其中84%的乘客对英航的机舱服务表示高度满意,而几乎所有使用过头等舱休息室(First Lounge)和Molton Brown水疗中心的客人,都对英航的高端产品以及细致独到的服务特色赞不绝口。”

Client feedback explains everything. According to a BA client satisfaction centre report, more than 40,000 customers have flown with BA in the past year. 84% of who were highly satisfied with BA cabin crew. Furthermore, nearly all first and business class customers have spoken highly of BA’s First Lounge and Molton Brown Spa.


Safety is the most important and primary need that flying passengers will request. Based on a latest Air Safety Special Report, BA sits on No. 3 among all other global airlines.

作为世界最大、最负盛名的航空公司之一,英国航空公司在短短的一年时间内在上海取得了优异的成绩,再次证明了自己的实力。”据英航华东区销售经理夏天先生介绍,英航机票在上海的销售平稳上升,并取得了高端市场(头等舱和公务舱)48%的市场份额。同时,针对上海市场的特点,英国航空公司还不间断地推出了一系列深受欢迎的市场活动,如“英航为商务客人‘买单‘顶级酒店”,“英航为公务舱客人提供头等舱享受”,以及具有震撼力的人民币3,990上海往返伦敦机票 –这些都表明了英国航空公司对上海市场的信心和决心。

According to Robert Xia, sales manager of BA’s East China Market, British Airways has enjoyed a steady increase in ticket sales and now holds 48 percent of the Shanghai-London route’s premium market (first class and business class). As pioneer in marketing, British Airways has launched a series of attractive and creative programs including business class promotions, special fares for economy class, and free upgrades to first class with purchase of business class tickets.


At the moment that BA is celebrating one-year anniversary in Shanghai/London route, another exciting news appears that BA has scooped the title of Airline of the Year 2006 at the annual Skytrax World Airline Awards. This award is the world’s largest passenger survey of the airline industry, which is considered to set benchmarks across the airline business. BA is confident to sustain in Shanghai market with its long history, rich experience and strong network. BA is now flying to more than 140 destinations around the world. Moreover, it offers industry-leading products and services. In the China market, British Airways provides services tailored to meet the unique needs of our valued Chinese passengers, including Chinese food, Chinese cabin crew, Chinese in-flight entertainment and self-service seat reservation, ticket purchasing and boarding pass printing available online at ba.com.


A senior BA manager was positive about Shanghai’s mounting competition. “We are very confident in our superior products, services and network. British Airways welcomes competition as it makes us stronger and benefits the end consumer. British Airways still leads the Greater China market with 33 services per week from Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong to London – far more than any other airline.”


Lastly, Fernando said that BA’s senior management is very confident in the future of British Airways as its knowledge and understanding of the Shanghai market grows.



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