英国华人论坛 [院校专访] 英国网上教育展参展院校专访-爱



1.请问申请贵校的课程,学生应如何准备? 另外,您的院校将会提供奖学金吗?

If students are interested in applying to SCE, all they need to do is visit our website and download an application form. We have two scholarships available exclusively via the Virtual Exhibition for 50% tuition fees on Creative Arts courses at SCE.  Students are advised to check our Virtual Booth for more information on how to apply. 


Before entering the live chat sessions, it would be good to visit the virtual booths to gather information on the different institutions taking part in the event.  This means that time during the one hour live chat sessions is best used.  Students should prepare their questions before entering the chat session, and know exactly who they would like to speak to. 


International students are attracted to SCE as our courses offer a cost effective route to University in Scotland.  For example, by studying a two year Higher National Diploma (HND) programme, students can progress often to the third year of a Bachelors degree at University and therefore save the cost of two years’ University tuition fees. 


SCE has a range of over 300 courses but most popular with Chinese students are our range of Foundation programmes.  Students from China often require to complete a foundation programme in order to enter university. SCE is the only provider of the University of Edinburgh Foundation programme.  Staff at SCE design a foundation programme based on the desired degree programme of study.  SCE foundation programmes cover a wide range of subjects, from Business to Film and Television operations. 

One of SCE particular strengths is Photography in terms of the range of courses and the facilities available including a drive in studio with built in cove, three additional photography studios, colour print facilities, black and white dark room and digital suites.  Photography students have gone onto win prestigious awards such as the “International Photographer of the Year” awarded by the British Institute of Photography. 

When selecting courses, students should research the course content as much as possible to ensure the course meets their objectives. 


The international centre can assist students at every stage of the application and provide support to help students throughout their time at Stevenson.  We organize airport transfers, homestay accommodation, an orientation programme, and social events aimed at encouraging international students to make the most of their time at Scotland.  The international centre is provides a drop in service, students can come in at any time for advice and support. Students are also assigned a tutor who they can go to for academic advice in terms of coursework or making University applications. 


The average cost of tuition is £5,050 per year. In terms of living costs, we recommend that students budget for an additional £5,000-6,000 per year to cover accommodation and other living expenses. 


Chinese students are very conscientious and hard working.  They make a very positive contribution to life at the College. 


20% of our international students are Chinese.  Therefore Chinese students have the possibility to make friends amongst themselves or with students of other nationalities.  The majority of SCE’s 15,000 students are from the UK, so there’s plenty of opportunities to interact with local students too.  We also receive groups of Chinese students to SCE during the year for English language courses.  Chinese students perform very well, and generally have particular strengths in Mathematics based subjects.  Chinese students who study at SCE mostly follow the University of Edinburgh Foundation Programme but have also progressed to prestigious institutions like Imperial CollegeLondon following their period of study at SCE. 


This year we have capacity for four scholarships for September 2007 entry.  Two of these will be offered via the British Council China Virtual Exhibition.  The additional two scholarships will be made available in Spring 2007 when representatives from SCE will visit Northern China.  More details on these Spring scholarships will be available soon. 


With the introduction of the Fresh Talent Initiative in Scotland in June 2005, the first applications for the scheme were made this year.  Chinese students made the second highest number of applications to the scheme, showing that there is a definite interest and future potential for the two year working in Scotland scheme.



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