英国华人论坛 东英格利亚大学建立国际学院


University of East Anglia(东英格利亚大学)

University of East Anglia(东英格利亚大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料A new centre for international students, based at the University of East Anglia, is now under construction.A new centre for international students, based at the University of East Anglia, is now under construction.

The ?0m centre will provide accommodation for INTO University of East Anglia - a joint venture between INTO University Partnerships Limited and UEA, providing a wide range of high quality courses for international students.

Reflecting an innovative concept of world-class international schools based on a university campus, the project provides 136,900 square feet of stylish, state-of-the-art learning and accommodation facilities on the Norwich campus. The centre, which is due for completion in Autumn 2008, will contain multi-purpose lecture theatres, classrooms, IT and science laboratories, and flexible teaching and self-study space ?all integrated with study-bedrooms with en-suite facilities as well as centralised restaurant and student support services. The five-storey academic and residential building, designed by London- and Norwich-based LSI Architects, is the pathfinder development project for London-based client INTO.

The INTO initiative has been created in partnership with UK universities that have elected to develop their internationalisation strategies, while improving the UK抯 competitiveness in international student markets. This project is one of a new generation of specialist facilities with similar joint ventures underway at the Universities of Exeter and Newcastle whilst discussions are also being held with other leading universities.

The unique business model offers control to the University over academic standards at INTO Centres while bringing private-sector resources and expertise to the venture. INTO already has a temporary base at UEA with some 350 overseas students studying English language and academic foundation programmes that prepare them for their chosen university courses. The INTO University of East Anglia international student intake for the current academic year represents an increase of 176 per cent over the previous year, reflecting the University's continued success in this field.

David Thompson, principal member of LSI Architects, commented: 揟he plans for the new INTO International School were drawn up following lengthy negotiations to accommodate a wide range of viewpoints and has involved widespread consultation, particularly with local residents. The new scheme is of exceptionally high quality: The 415 study bedrooms (including some specially equipped for wheelchair users, and others designed for resident tutors) have been configured in clusters of up to 12 in order to encourage social interaction around communal kitchen-diners. The layout and arrangement of the accommodation have been devised with a culturally sensitive approach to design. To achieve the 慺ast track?(18 month) construction programme, the residential accommodation is utilising 憈unnelform?in-situ concrete construction with the bathrooms constructed as off-site prefabricated pods.?

The project contributes towards LSI Architects?masterplan for a new piazza at the east end of the campus, framed by already completed student residences, healthcare and nursery facilities, all designed by the practice.


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