英国华人论坛 摄影艺术的开始在历史展中揭示


De Montfort University(德蒙福特大学)

De Montfort University(德蒙福特大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料A world first in photography begins later this month withthe opening of the first major exhibitionto survey the history of British calotypes — works of exceptional beauty and rarity made from paper negatives – from the very beginnings of photographic art. 

A world first in photography begins later this month withthe opening of the first major exhibitionto survey the history of British calotypes — works of exceptional beauty and rarity made from paper negatives – from the very beginnings of photographic art.


The New York Metropolitan Museum of Art opens the exhibition on 25 September curated byRoger Taylor, Professor of Photographic History at De Montfort University, Leicester (UK), who has spent the past eighteen years researching the subject and locating images for the exhibition.


Prof Taylor’s exhibition,  Impressed by Light: British Photographs from Paper Negatives, 1840–1860,will present 118 works by 40 artists, including masters like William Henry Fox Talbot, David Octavius Hill and Robert Adamson, Roger Fenton, Benjamin Brecknell Turner, and Linnaeus Tripe, as well as many less familiar  artists. With photographs taken in Britain, Europe and India the exhibition reveals how paper negative processes were widely used when travelling, especially in hot climates to which they were ideally suited.

Most of the works to be featured have never been exhibited and are loaned from 27 public and private collections in the UK, France, Canada, and the US. The exhibtion will go onto the National Gallery of Art in Washington in February 2008 and on to the Musee d’Orsay in Paris in May 2008.

"Impressed by Light will be full of discoveries. Many of the artists included in the exhibition are unfamiliar even to specialists because their photographs were intended for private albums and for exchange with family and friends, rather than for publication and broad dissemination, and thus were printed in only one or a handful of examples," said Prof Taylor.


"This exhibition fundamentally changes our understanding of photography's early development in the country of its birth, bringing together for the first time a host of photographic treasures that show an artistic flowering whose history has been hidden until now," remarked Malcolm Daniel, Curator in Charge of the Metropolitan Museum's Department of Photographs.

Prof Paul Hill, course leader for De Montfort University’s renowned Photography Masters degree, said: “As the exhibition deals with the earliest years of photography finding prints in outstanding condition proved a real challenge, but the resulting group of images reveals the extraordinary aesthetic understanding and technical skills of this first generation of photographic artists It’s rare from that point of view and notable for the New York Met to have a curator who is not from among their own staff so it’s quite a feather in Roger’s cap and De Montfort University’s too.”


The exhibitioncatalogue written by Prof Taylor features a groundbreaking examination of the artistic, social, and economic context of the British calotype. It also includes a biographical dictionary of more than 500 British calotypists—the most complete scholarly resource on the subject—by 19th century scholar Larry J. Schaaf in collaboration with Prof Taylor. Impressed by Light: British Photographs from Paper Negatives, 1840-1860, is published by The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the National Gallery of Art and distributed by Yale University Press, see www.metmuseum.org .


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