英国华人论坛 Andrea致力血液事业受到表彰


University of Gloucestershire(格鲁斯特大学)

University of Gloucestershire(格鲁斯特大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料Third year broadcast journalism student, Andrea Johnston met the Director General of the BBC, Mark Thompson in recognition of her hard work during the recent flood crisis in the county. Third year broadcast journalism student, Andrea Johnston met the Director General of the BBC, Mark Thompson in recognition of her hard work during the recent flood crisis in the county.

Andrea, from Hardwicke near Gloucester combines her studies with working part-time as a broadcast assistant at BBC Radio Gloucestershire.  Earlier this month she joined a team from the radio station and BBC Points West at a reception at the BBC’s Mailbox in Birmingham. The invite from the BBC boss requested Andrea’s attendance at the event in appreciation of her “outstanding contribution during the recent floods.”

Andrea was working on Friday 20 July, when over 100mm of rain fell within several hours, flooding hundreds of roads within Gloucestershire.  She was tasked with reading the travel news every 15 minutes, and supported the news team until 1.30am as the crisis developed.  The team had left the studio around 8pm to celebrate a getting through a difficult day.  “It was only when we had to leave the restaurant to go back on air that we realised that the situation was much worse than we could have imagined,” said Andrea. 

Her commitment to helping out in the crisis continued into the next week, when the full impact of the floods hit the county and she was needed in the studio every day from 5am. 

“I was living on adrenalin” said Andrea.  “On one day, I worked a 10 hour shift before realising I hadn’t eaten anything all day. I think it was the Wednesday, but it was so hectic, all the days rolled into one!  There was no planning as the calls were coming in so fast, we just wanted to get as many people on air with their experiences as possible.” 

“I love talking to people and it was such a buzz to feel that I was helping to make a difference.”

Mark Hurrell, Managing Editor of BBC Radio Gloucestershire said,” I’m delighted that the hard work of the team has been recognised with Andrea meeting the Director General.  Andrea was very much part of our operation on that first night and she made a really valuable contribution.”.


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