英国华人论坛 艺术带来快乐


Manchester Metropolitan University(曼彻斯特城市大学)

Manchester Metropolitan University(曼彻斯特城市大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料Potential for NHS initatives Potential for NHS initatives

ARTS increase happiness and reduce anxiety and depression, according to new Manchester Metropolitan University research.

The three year Treasury-funded project has shown that engaging with things like painting, dance, music and story-telling can increase our psychological well-being and lower levels of anxiety and depression.

The research, named 'Invest to Save: Arts in Health', has found that participants felt happier, empowered and more confident after engaging in arts initiatives.

The study involved over 100 participants and was led by Clive Parkinson, from MMU's Faculty of Art and Design.

Profound impact

"We found projects that stimulate peoples' minds and encourage them to be creative can have a profound impact on their health and wellbeing," he said.

"The arts can help create a positive environment and build positive relationships which can make people feel more resilient, in control and give them a sense of purpose which leads to greater energy and enthusiasm for life."

The project involved investigating arts initiatives that take place in a variety of settings including hospitals as well as the wider community and monitoring the effect they have on the participants.

The researchers suggest that people who are ill, depressed or isolated often have a diminished capacity to deal with challenges and a de-motivation for healthy behaviour so by re-inspiring them and helping them feel in control of their lives through arts initiatives, their capacity for coping and wellbeing is increased.

Staff benefits

The research also discovered that these arts initiatives also have a positive impact on healthcare staff as well as the patients: job satisfaction was significantly increased
among workers involved with creative activities compared to a control group.

The aim of the study was to explore the belief that arts and creative initiatives can improve public health and wellbeing.

Clive Parkinson believes these results will help pave the way for further arts initiatives within the NHS: "Using the arts to promote health has been viewed as a potential for a while now but with a lack of evidence it was hard to get it onto the agenda," he said.

"Hopefully, this new evidence will bring to light the huge difference this can make to peoples' lives and it can start to be incorporated into Government policy."

Growing support

Melvyn Bragg, broadcaster and presenter of the ITV South Bank Show, a keen supporter of the Arts for Health movement, said: "This is an important project. The arts have an impact on all our lives in a variety of ways, depending how we choose to engage with them.

The findings of this report give us a valuable insight not only into the relationship between creativity, the arts and public health but also on the effect and reach of the arts in the 21st Century."

The results of the Invest to Save: Arts in Health study are being launched tomorrow, Wednesday 19 September, at the Critical Friends event taking place at the Lowry in Manchester - hosted by Dr Nick Baylis co-director of the Cambridge University, Institute of Well-Being.

Visit the Arts for Health website to find out more.


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