英国华人论坛 莱切斯特大学受到家长好评


University of Leicester(莱斯特大学)

University of Leicester(莱斯特大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料The University of Leicester- a top ranking university for student satisfaction in the National Student Survey- is targeting parents in a concerted campaign to ensure ‘parent satisfaction.’

The University of Leicester- a top ranking university for student satisfaction in the National Student Survey- is targeting parents in a concerted campaign to ensure ‘parent satisfaction.’

The University has doubled the amount of days for new parents to meet with staff, including the Vice-Chancellor and representatives from welfare, alumni relations as well as academic staff.

The National Student Survey ranks Leicester top in England for teaching quality and overall student satisfaction amongst full-time students at mainstream English universities. Leicester also has one of the highest student completion rates in the UK.

A key factor in the University’s success in national rankings for satisfaction is the holistic approach it takes towards working with its students and those who support them.

Marketing Director Richard Taylor said: “Staff at Leicester are investing time and effort to ensure parents/guardians of new students receive a warm welcome – this is the beginning of an important relationship not simply with the students but with their families as well.”

Vice-Chancellor, Professor Robert Burgess said: "We are proud to have been one of the first universities offering a reception to parents of new students. It gives us chance to establish strong links with them and to enable them to feel part of the University, which is going to be such a large part of the lives of their sons and daughters over the next few years."

Clare Taylor commented: "The University of Leicester recognised some time ago the mixed emotions that parents can feel when their children leave for University. After the elation of successful ‘A’ level results has passed and the University place is confirmed there comes a realisation that the young person is about to move on in both education and life – the feeling is akin to that first day at school. The actual physical process of dropping them off at their chosen University can be unexpectedly distressing.

"This is a transitional period for students and their parents and we try to make it as smooth as we can. We want parents and students to be reassured by the extensive support systems available through the University and to find out how students can use this support if the need arises."

The University is this year extending its highly successful reception for parents of new students from one to two days, which will take place on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th September 2007.

The University, which in 2000 was one of the first to establish receptions for ‘new’ parents, believes it is important to offer reassurance and information for parents at the time when their sons and daughters are about to start a new life at university.

Welfare staff acknowledge that when students go off to university for the first time it can be quite difficult for their parents to adjust - and they are keen to minimise parents’ concerns. They will be on hand over the weekend to cushion the impact for 'empty nest syndrome' parents.

In a series of six receptions over the two days, families will be able to find out all about the University, its facilities and its Welfare services. The receptions are held as part of the University's Family Programme, which gives students' families chance to share in the life of the University without intruding on their children's freedom.

In addition to welcome presentations from the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Robert Burgess, the Head of Student Welfare, Clare Taylor, and Marketing Director, Richard Taylor, parents will have the chance to meet staff, student ambassadors and members of the Students' Union Sabbatical Team.

Refreshments will be available and there will be displays in the foyer of the Charles Wilson Building, while the Bookshop, Accommodation Office, Library and Café Piazza will all be open, with staff from the Welfare Service on hand to answer any queries.

The half-hour receptions start at 2pm and run until 3.30pm, offering tea and biscuits as well as reassurance. The 2pm reception on Saturday will have a particular focus on students not living in halls of residence, with information tailored to their needs.

For new students who arrive on Saturday 29th September there will also be a welcome party and live disco at Gilbert Murray Hall of Residence.

The University of Leicester has a long tradition of excellence in teaching and research. In the academic year 2007-08 the University celebrates its 50th anniversary, having received its Royal Charter in 1957. Before that it had been established in 1921 as the University College of Leicester, awarding University of London degrees.

The new parents’ receptions take place on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th September, at 2pm, 2.30pm and 3pm in the Charles Wilson Building on the main University Campus.


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