英国华人论坛 Leading international trade expert to join Swansea's Law Sch


Swansea University(斯旺西大学)

Swansea University(斯旺西大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料Professor Dennis Patterson (pictured) is currently Distinguished Professor at Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA, and is also a Member of the New York Bar. He joins Swansea University as Professor of Jurisprudence and International Trade.

Professor Dennis Patterson (pictured) is currently Distinguished Professor at Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA, and is also a Member of the New York Bar. He joins Swansea University as Professor of Jurisprudence and International Trade.

Professor Patterson achieved his PhD in Philosophy and his Full Fellowship in Law and Philosophy from the State University of New York at Buffalo. His research interests focus on the foundations of international trade law and how the global trading order relates to larger political ideas and institutions.

"I am simply delighted to join the School of Law at Swansea," said Professor Patterson. "Under the leadership of Professor Iwan Davies, the School has grown to be a vibrant and sophisticated group of international scholars. I am deeply impressed by the University's commitment to the Law School and I look forward to working with my new colleagues."

Professor Patterson has authored six and edited 10 books. He is currently working with Ari Afilalo, Associate Professor of Law at Rutgers University, on a book entitled The New Global Trading Order, which examines the extent to which the global trade system should respond to fundamental shifts in the nature of the State and of international relations. 

This project, located in the international trade field, argues that these changes will necessitate the need for rethinking the political foundations of world trade.

Professor Patterson, who has previously held visiting professorships at the Humboldt Universität, Berlin, the University of Vienna, Georgetown University Law Centre, Washington, DC, the University of Texas and the Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz, Austria, is the General Editor of the Oxford University Press series, Principles and Theory of Law.

He is also on the Board of Editors for The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, Ratio Juris, Legal Theory, and on the Board of Directors for the Research Centre for Legal Methodology (CERMEG), in Trento, Italy.

Professor Iwan Davies, Head of the School of Law at Swansea University, said: "Professor Patterson is without doubt one of the world's foremost authorities in the field of international trade law and jurisprudence. We are immensely privileged that he is joining us. His knowledge and experience will bring a new perspective to our own research in this area.

"The fact that he has chosen to further his research at Swansea is a ringing endorsement of the quality of the University's Law School and the vibrant research environment that we have established here."


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