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Bangor University(威尔士班戈大学)

Bangor University(威尔士班戈大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料Coming to university for the first time can be daunting but Bangor University make sure you get the best start to your new lifestyle. Bangor is renowned for its excellence in supporting students, this was confirmed by the Times Higher Education Supplement on June 17, 2005, where Bangor was rated the top university in the UK for the help and support provided for students.

Coming to university for the first time can be daunting but Bangor University make sure you get the best start to your new lifestyle. Bangor is renowned for its excellence in supporting students, this was confirmed by the Times Higher Education Supplement on June 17, 2005, where Bangor was rated the top university in the UK for the help and support provided for students.

To ease the transmission to student life and as a part of their commitment to supporting students, Bangor University has employed a team of 28 Student Wardens to live in every hall of residence and do everything possible to foster and maintain a safe residential environment. Students from diverse backgrounds can live, study and socialise in a peaceful and secure environment.

To ensure support provided by the Student Wardens and for the wardens themselves, the University recently held an intensive one week course for the group of 28 Student Wardens. Ken Griffith, the University's Head Warden, said

"The intensive course was an opportunity for the group to bond as a team. We'd organised various training activities including a first aid course, self harm and mental health sessions and presentations by emergency services.

"The Student Wardens are a first point of contact for our students. They are ideally situated for recognising students that are experiencing problems during 'out of hours' periods.

"This year, for the first time, we have a designated International Warden based in JMJ for the 30 international students that live among the Welsh language students. This will help with contact, communication and give the international students a representative in their halls."

European Studies MA student Zara Fergyson, 21 of Stoke on Trent, applied for the post of Student Warden because she enjoyed her time so much as an undergraduate at Bangor she wanted a role during her Masters which involved helping others have a fantastic experience. Zara is a Student Warden on the University's Ffriddoedd site, she said,

"I've already been a peer guide and I've got quite a bit of experience in dealing with pastoral care and solving problems, I like passing on my experience and helping people so I think that the wardenship is my chance to give something back to Bangor that gave me so much in my first year at Bangor.

"I think it's a fantastic scheme, the Student Wardens give the students an opportunity to receive advice in a less formal setting and they might be more inclined to come to speak to us rather than academic members of staff."

Students are also provided with support in Halls of Residence both in the daytime and out of hours by Halls Staff, University Security Staff, and by Resident Senior Wardens. The University also has one of the largest Peer Guide Schemes in the UK where 350-400 second and third year students are trained to become Peer Guides.


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