英国华人论坛 世博英国馆”种子圣殿“设计师参加母校活动


Sheffield Hallam University(谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学)

Sheffield Hallam University(谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学)



2010年上海世博会英国馆“种子圣殿”(英文名:British Pavilion)的设计师Thomas Heatherwick,将于2010年5月27日在伦敦参加由谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学与维多利亚艾伯特博物馆(Victoria and Albert museum)合作举办的世界建筑设计师盛会。

在谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学获得荣誉博士学位的Thomas Heatherwick是当代英国顶尖的建筑设计大师之一,除此之外,他在城镇规划与重建,以及环境研究方面也有一定的权威性并享有很高的业内声誉。与Thomas一起参加活动的还有意大利建筑设计师Renzo Piano,他将向公众讲述自己在伦敦的新的旗舰性设计项目。

活动的两个主办方可谓有着很深厚的合作渊源。谢菲尔德艺术设计学院,即谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学的前身,维多利亚时期的校友Godfrey Skyes,就曾在1856年担任维多利亚艾伯特博物馆首席设计师。

在即将参加此次盛会的建筑设计大师中,还有多名设计大师曾获得谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学授予的荣誉博士学位,包括主持设计法国巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心(Pompidou Centre)的Richard Rogers,他还作为谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学的客座教授经常访问学校为学生和公众进行演讲。还有主持伦敦城市奥运建设和重新规划工作的2010年伦敦奥运会奥运交付管理局(Olympic Delivery Authority)主任Alison Nimmo,享誉国际的著名作家Dame Margaret Drabble博士也将参加此次活动。

此次活动还将作为加强谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学与维多利亚艾伯特博物馆之间的友好合作的重要部分,基于长期以来的良好关系,双方还共享以维多利亚时期艺术家Godfrey Sykes的名义创立的艺术基金。维多利亚艾伯特博物馆还与谢菲尔德博物馆(Museums Sheffield)建立了合作伙伴关系,谢菲尔德博物馆常年作为伦敦维多利亚艾伯特博物馆在谢菲尔德市的展览举办场馆。

谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学交流与公共事务主管(director od Communications and Public Affairs)John Palmer先生针对此次活动表示:“我们非常高兴能够通过这次盛大的建筑设计师聚会,回顾和加强我校与维多利亚艾伯特博物馆的历史友好联系和未来的合作关系。 谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学的艺术设计有着悠久的历史和深厚的教育底蕴,能够邀请到如此多杰出的校友共襄盛宴我们感到十分激动和万分的期待。”

2010上海世博会英国馆“种子圣殿” 日间效果图


2010上海世博会英国馆“种子圣殿” 夜间效果图

ediate release

Friday 7 May

British Pavilion designer to attend prestigious event

Thomas Heatherwick, the designer of the inspirational British Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo, will join the world’s leading architectural designers at an event in London by organised Sheffield Hallam University and the Victoria and Albert (V&A) museum.

Thomas Heatherwick is an honorary doctorate of Sheffield Hallam, which is among the UK's top institutions for architectural design, urban regeneration and environmental studies.

He will be joining the Italian architect Renzo Piano, who will be talking about his new flagship project in London. The event will take place at the V&A on Thursday 27 May 2010.

The University has been working with the V&A for past year to promote a former student, Godfrey Sykes, who in 1859 became the leading designer at the V&A.

Among the guests at the event are other honorary doctors of Sheffield Hallam including Lord Richard Rogers, who designed the Pompidou Centre in Paris and is a visiting professor of Sheffield Hallam. He will be joined by Alison Nimmo, Director of Design and Regeneration for the Olympic Delivery Authority for the 2012 Olympic Games in London who are constructing all the facilities for the 2012 games.

They will be joined by other famous honorary doctors, including internationally- renowned author Dame Margaret Drabble.

The event is being organised as part of plans to strength links between Sheffield Hallam University and the V&A. The institutions share a founding father, the Victorian artist Godfrey Sykes. The V&A also have a partnership with Museums Sheffield, which hosts many V&A exhibitions in the city.

Sykes, one of Sheffield's most influential artists, developed his skills at Sheffield School of Art, which is now part of Sheffield Hallam University and is now called Sheffield Institute of Arts. It is one of the world's leading centres for education and research in art and design. Sykes then moved to London where he was the lead artistic designer at the V&A in London.

John Palmer, director of Communications and Public Affairs at Sheffield Hallam University, said: "We are delighted to be able to celebrate our historical links with the V&A at such a high profile event.

"Sheffield Hallam has a history of excellence in art and design and we are thrilled to welcome some of our most high profile friends and supporters to this special evening."

For press information: contact Tess Humphrys in the University’s press office on 0114 225 4025 or email [email protected]

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