英国华人论坛 2011年英国留学之“简历模板”









DOB: DD/MM/YYYY                        

Mob: 0086**********

Tel: 0086***********                        

Email: **************

Address:*****(eg:Room *** No.*** xxxRd. Shanghai, ********, China)

Education Background

2009.7-2009.8    UC Berkeley, advanced studies in UC Berkeley, ranked as the fourth university at US

2006.9-2010.7 Beijing Foreign Studies University,bachelor degree       Russian language and literature

·Major courses: Russian practice, Russian grammar, Russian reading, Russian listening and speaking, translation, Russian literature, Russian history,  Russian history and geography, Russian Art, newspaper reading

·Major courses score ranked the top 10%

Working Experience

2009.10 European American Asian-Pacific International Investment Co., Ltd  investment assistant

Analyze a specific industry, and grasp its development trend and turning point. Give investment suggestions according to analysis and research on listed companies. Follow-up on key companies and adjust company ratings in time. Keep smooth communication with the management of listed companies and accurately grasp the development of listed companies.

2009.10 World Media Summit   Translator

2009.2~2009.3 Harbin College Student Winter Sports Meeting  

Russian Translator

Chosen to be the volunteer for the 24th Harbin College Student Winter Sports Meeting, responsible for translating, accompanying guide officer, coaches and athletes to attend the contest. My Russian proficiency and enthusiastic and responsible working attitudes impressed overseas friends a lot.

2008.8   Beijing Olympic Games Media Center      Volunteer

2008.6 ~2008.8   Beidahuang Literature    internship

Editor for the national magazine Beidahuang Literature, responsible for reviewing, selecting and proofreading articles

Extra-curriculum Activities

2009.4   University-level Business Negotiation Competition Second Prize

As the only student that is not from the business school in Beijing Foreign Studies University, I won the second-class team prize. Among several competitions, I successfully played the roles of law consultant, production representative, vice president and manager of the market department.

2008.10 National Russian Knowledge Competition   The tenth place

2008.6 ---2009 Leader of editing team for NGO Raleigh,responsible for its website and newspaper

2008.5-2009    Volunteer for Sun Village

Sun village was established for criminal children. Taught children on a regular basis and helped sun village with propaganda

2008.5    Wrote non-profitable case on family violence for the Women’s Federation of Daqing city. A drama was edited and performed based on my version by students of Daqing Teachers’ College 

2007   Established the journal Daxuezhi (college student magazine) and worked as the chief editor. Distributed them to 21 universities of Beijing for free and formed the university league in Beijing. Applied for the serial number successfully and distributed 50,000 issues each month. It was selected as the supplement of the national magazine 21st Century and the subordinate newspaper was founded. The original novel If there is if and several essays of mine were included in this magazine.

Lyrics writer by cooperating with the campus band from Communication University of China; the song “I am waiting for you” selected as repertoire

2006---2007   Minister of the Public Relations Department of Career Development Association, organized and hosted a series of lectures such as Successful job hunting—foreign enterprises, and Successful job hunting—state-owned enterprises and public servants, which attracted a lot of students

Head of Traditional Chinese Operas Association,led members to perform at evening parties of our university many times

2005 ......



 ·英国新闻 英国男拴了只海鸥在马路上遛,致使海鸥死亡。网友:几乎变态
·英国新闻 你在英国丢过手机吗?伦敦均匀每6分钟被偷一部手机...
·分类市场 居家电商客服时间自在薪资高
·分类市场 North Finchley 大双人房
 ·澳洲新闻 多名自由党议员被控受贿,廉政公署突击搜查新州前州长胞弟住
·澳洲新闻 澳洲五星级餐厅最多的地方在哪里?墨尔本排名第一,西悉尼成


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