英国华人论坛 申请学术CV如何写?Resume和CV有什么差?




● 有关科研教育学术研究方面的职位(比如留学欧洲或申请奖学金),你需要提供CV。和resume相比较,CV通常更加的详细(一般都要两页纸或以上),涵盖更加全面。

● CV的完整形式是拉丁文Curriculum Vitae,CV主要是用于申请学术、教育、科研职位,或者申请奖学金等等,现在常常有人把CV和Resume混起来称为“简历”,其实精确而言,CV应该是“履历”,Resume才是简历。

● Resume要求概述与求职有关的教育准备和经历,是对经验技能的摘要,其主要目的在说服用人单位老板雇佣自己;Curriculum Vitae则需集中说明学术工作,不重视与文化程度和学习成绩无直接关系的资料。






● 写上有实际意义的工作经历。比如启动过什么项目,研究了某方面的经济影响,又或者开发过某个程序。

● 量化你的贡献和影响。比如你在志愿者活动中,共筹集了多少善款,又招募了多少位新成员,最好能用数据表示出这些内容。

● 突出与应聘工作相关的技能。像金融机构就需要你计量能力,而法律事务所就更看重你的分析能力和沟通技巧。



● 把你的简历内容分成几个板块,一般可以是教育经历,获奖经历,学术研究和专业技能。

● 用粗体字和斜体字来标示重要内容,在写工作经历的时候最好用“单位+职位”的形式,同时要附带时间和地点。

● 把你的名字和联系方式(email和电话号码)写在最上方。

● 千万别留下空白!它比你的那些个人资料更刷存在感。


Do → conduct

动词: organise and carry out.

示例: I plan to do research on the effects of…

范例: I plan to conduct research on the effects of…

使用概率 5/5

Find out → discover

动词: become aware of a fact or situation.

示例: A link between income and quality of leisure time was found out.

范例: A link between income and quality of leisure time was discovered.

使用概率 5/5

Look at → examine

动词: inspect someone or something thoroughly in order to determine their nature or condition.

示例: This essay will look at the online fashion industry in the UK.

范例: This essay will examine the online fashion industry in the UK.

使用概率 5/5


Bad/good → negative/positive

形容词: (of a person, attitude, or situation) not desirable or optimistic/constructive, optimistic or confident.

示例: The new tax rates are having a good effect on sales.

范例: The new tax rates are having a positive effect on sales.

使用概率 5/5


Get → obtain

动词: obtain or secure something wanted or desirable.

示例: Questionnaires will be used to get the opinions of the participants.

范例: Questionnaires will be used to obtain the opinions of the participants.

使用概率 5/5


A lot → many

量词, 冠词或形容词: a large number of.

示例: A lot of scholars have conducted studies in this area.

范例: Many scholars have conducted studies in this area.

使用概率 5/5

Same → equivalent

名词: a person or thing that is equal to or corresponds with another in value, amount, function or meaning.

示例: The two books are the same in value.

范例: The two books are equivalent in value.

使用概率 4/5


Put into → contribute

动词: help to cause or bring about.

示例: All group members put in the same effort.

范例: All group members contributed the same effort.

使用概率 4/5

Get together → merge

动词: combine or cause to combine to form a single entity.

示例: The two companies plan to get together in 2017.

范例: The two companies plan to merge in 2017.

使用概率 4/5

Really → considerable

形容词: notably large in size, amount or extent.

示例: The project was really successful.

范例: The project obtained considerable success.

使用概率 4/5 

Big → major

形容词: important, serious or significant.

示例: Some of the big findings in the industry support this view.

范例: Some of the major findings in the industry support this view.

使用概率 4/5

A few → several

量词, 冠词: more than two but not many.

示例: He is the author of a few books.

范例: He is the author of several books.

使用概率 4/5

Workers → employees

名词: a person employed for wages or salary, especially at non-executive level.

示例: The company provides health care and life insurance benefits for all of its workers.

范例: The company provides health care and life insurance benefits for all of its employees.

使用概率 3/5 

Get up → rise

名词: an increase in number, size, amount or degree.

示例: Local people are worried when the crime rates get up.

范例: Local people are worried when the crime rates rise.

使用概率 3/5


Put in place → implement

动词: put a decision, plan or agreement into effect.

示例: The scheme to put in place the new financial support measures is being reviewed.

范例: The scheme to implement the new financial support measures is being reviewed.

使用概率 3/5


Bring about → effect

动词: cause something to happen.

示例: The party brought about many policy changes.

范例: The party effected many policy changes.

使用概率 3/5

Get across → communicate

动词: succeed in conveying one's ideas or in evoking understanding in others.

示例: I plan to get across my ideas to the panel.

范例: I plan to communicate my ideas to the panel.

使用概率 3/5


TV → television

名词: a system for converting visual images with sound into electrical signals, transmitting them by radio or other means, and displaying them electronically on a screen.

示例: TV was important to families in the 1960s.

范例: Television was important to families in the 1960s.

使用概率 2/5

Ad → advertisement

名词: a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicising a job vacancy.

示例: There are heavy regulations on ads for alcoholic drinks.

范例: There are heavy regulations on advertisements for alcoholic drinks.

使用概率 2/5


Add up → calculate

动词: determine the amount or number of something mathematically.

示例: The program can add up the number of words that will fit in the space available.

范例: The program can calculate the number of words that will fit in the space available.

使用概率 2/5




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