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Liverpool Hope University(利物浦霍普大学)

Liverpool Hope University(利物浦霍普大学)


获取留学方案文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料NOBEL Peace Prize winner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, will officially launch Liverpool Hope University’s Centre for War & Peace Studies at a lecture in The Metropolitan Cathedral on Tuesday 26th June 2007.NOBEL Peace Prize winner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, will officially launch Liverpool Hope University’s Centre for War & Peace Studies at a lecture in The Metropolitan Cathedral on Tuesday 26th June 2007.

The Centre, which will be known as ‘The Desmond Tutu Centre for War & Peace Studies’, is dedicated to the study of peace, conflict and the space between war and peace.

Archbishop Tutu will visit Liverpool as part of his first official trip to the UK since 2004, and Liverpool Hope University is honoured to be hosting his visit.

As well as the War & Peace lecture, Archbishop Tutu will mark the opening of the University’s new landmark building - The Gateway to Hope - by unveiling a plaque and viewing the facilities in this brand new provision housing all of the University’s student services under one roof.

Professor Gerald Pillay, Vice-Chancellor and Rector of Liverpool Hope University said:  “His great work with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa is the reason why we asked Archbishop Tutu if he would allow us to use his name for the Centre.  He will be here to explain how his experiences in South Africa are valid in the context of Liverpool and beyond.”

Dr Neil Ferguson, Associate Professor of Psychology and Director of the Desmond Tutu Centre for War and Peace Studies added:  “Desmond Tutu is an inspiration to those seeking to build peace and reconciliation across the world, and he embodies the aspiration of the Centre to promote religious and social harmony through the study of war and peace.”

The Desmond Tutu Centre for War & Peace Studies was set up in November 2004, but this is the first opportunity the Archbishop has had to visit. 

Founded by a group of academics, the Centre focuses on the causes and consequences of war.  It also looks at the methods, processes and ideologies of peacemaking and conflict resolution.

The Mission of the Desmond Tutu Centre for War and Peace Studies is firmly rooted within the mission of Liverpool Hope University, an ecumenical Christian foundation, to educate students in mind, body and spirit, by promoting religious and social harmony.

To fulfil this mission, the Centre brings together staff, researchers, students, and visiting experts to conduct research, present lectures, deliver seminars, host conferences and colloquia, and publish documents to promote the study of war and peace.

The Civic lecture entitled: ‘Ours is a Moral Universe’ will take place on Tuesday 26th June 2007 at 5.30pm in The Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King, Liverpool.   Admission is by ticket only.  All are welcome to attend the event.  


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