标签:election - 英国华人论坛


马前炮 2017 General Election (exit poll updated)

Less than 24 hours to tell the result 抛砖引玉,预测一下今天的大选: Conservative:340(330), 42% Labour:220(229), 36% 今天万一梅姨得不到+60,会有人knock her door,要做外部检讨了:cn10: Exit Poll @June 8 10pm...英国华人论坛


General Election poll和最初后果的差别

Labour的campaign外籍advisor埋怨说,UK的polling system是世界上最差的,一切的poll都错了! 这事还惊扰了国度统计局(UK),说看一下办法有无错,甚么中央需求改进! 英国常常挂在口头上的...英国华人论坛


US Senate South Dakota Election going In Favor Of I

The open US Senate Campaign  is heating up with a closely fought three-way battle underway in the South Dakota seat. Although there are many issues on the table in the run-up to the 2014 midterm elections, the focus is surely on the Abscam...英国华人论坛


5月5号local council的election大家投票吗?

我明天没空就不去投票了, 6月脱欧公投得去投票啊。 大家都说说呗。 回帖 伦敦市长候选人没一个值得投的 回帖 哪怕没有想投的,也建议有空的都去投,投票站一般开到晚上10点呢。...英国华人论坛


General Election poll和最后结果的差异

Labour的campaign外籍advisor抱怨说,UK的polling system是世界上最差的,所有的poll都错了! 这事还惊动了国家统计局(UK),说看一下方法有没有错,什么地方需要改进! 英国经常挂在口头上...英国华人论坛


成王败寇的2015 UK general election

2015大选以Cameron majority胜出,Miliband和Clegg辞职降下帷幕!但为什么是这样的结果呢? 要分析原因很不容易,尝试性地从以下几方面来看: Labour和Tory都聘用了Obama的竞选团队,只不过不...英国华人论坛


Labour's election defeat more to do with Holyrood t

University of Surrey(萨里大学) 所在地区: 英格兰 所在城市: Surrey TIMES排名: 12 一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料The SNP won the elections in May because voter...英国华人论坛